The Run for Life.

in Gaming Photographylast month

Nicholas came over with his army and we were just in front of us. Nicholas was saying that he'd pay a ransom for the De Rune children and asked if he has to capture them himself. So yeah, its time we escape him again.

When the three of them were caught by the great villains of this game, Amicia was telling Melie that he (Nicholas) killed her parents and now he's going to slaughter them. What'd happen now? Is someone coming to help them? Maybe Lucas coming to help them?

Saying "Melie, run", the brother Arthur threw a barrel of gunpowder or something that blasted and we got the chance to escape from them. There were guards in front of us that I had to take down using the sling while we kept running.

At a point, we found this ladder that goes up to a room and we took this. I noticed Nicholas was walking towards me slowly and was asking me to stop running and to deliver Hugo to them.

We had to get out of that room through a door which was locked after blocking the way to hold the enemies for sometime. But they seemed to be breaking the blockage so Melie was fast in unlocking that door.

After coming out of that room, I noticed two guards there. One was at the ground torturing other peoples and on was on a tower holding bow and arrows. I decided to take down the one one the ground first and then I was fast trying to take the other one down when he was aiming me with his arrow.

I was too fast that I didn't target him enough and the stone fell before hitting his head and he was succeed in piercing Amicia with an arrow. What a fool I was that I didn't even move.

I took down the one on the tower first in the next time and the other one was running towards me and this time, I was too slow in taking the second one down so he took me down first but took care both of them perfectly at the third time.

Now we reached the end of this place where there was a chain that Melie started working on but Nicholas and his army opened the last gate and was coming towards us. I had to hold them when Melie was trying to opening a door. But I started late so they got to me after I could take only one of them down.

I could hold them up at the second time and Melie opened the door in the meantime and after they left already, Amicia ran for the door.

She fell on a lot of corpses and some bowmen started shooting arrows towards her and to survive, she put the corpses on her so she doesn't get pierced by the arrows. Melie and Hugo already reached a safe zone but Amicia was in danger still.

They were about to take Amicia down and that's when Arthur blasted them up with something and Melie asked her to hurry. All three of them escaped that place safely though I don't know about Arthur. The current chapter came to an end with this scene.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.


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The game seems to be so interesting with wonderful graphics

And I didn't come to check my post in all these days while checking the community account only, lol. Sorry for the late response, I was a little busy.

This game is a masterpiece in my opinion though I'm excited for the next installment more. Thanks for your comment.

Holy shit man! Game companies are making such scenes more and more impressive every day. It's an adrenaline-filled moment when a human or a creature runs for its life. I experienced that in Stray when I was running away from those little creatures and sometimes I failed and it was very frustrating.

And I didn't come to check my post in all these days while checking the community account only, lol.

I guess I know what part you're talking about from Stray. Those creatures also looks like these zombie rats and they chase like them as well if I'm not wrong.

Yeah you are right man , they are similar

@tipu curate 8

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Thanks for the tip.