A Memorable Throwback: Celebrating a Friend's Traditional Marriage

Hello everyone
I'm so excited to be in this community. It's actually my first time writing a post here. I just got to know about this community while I was navigating through the hive blockchain. I hope I'm welcome.




So today be sharing a memorable events high attended last year one of my very close friend decided to get married and I attended his traditional marriage was really a beautiful moment in a hurry, I read through other post and I quickly reflect on past memories, na this one particular event stands out vividly in my mind, it was a joyous occasion filled with love, laughter, and cultural richness. It was a beautiful Thursday evening last year, it was during the Christmas holidays when I had the privilege of attending my friend's traditional marriage ceremony, an experience that left an indelible mark on my heart because it was really an atmosphere filled with love, fun and laughter.

The day began with an air of anticipation and excitement, I quickly had to go get my dress ready from my tailor's place, getting to the marriage venue, friends and family were already gathered to celebrate the union of these two beautiful souls who are embarking on a journey of love and commitment. The venue was adorned with vibrant colors, traditional decor, and the sweet aroma of delicacies spreading through the air, setting the stage for an unforgettable celebration.

As the ceremony began I was captivated by the richness of our cultural traditions and rituals that permeated every aspect of the event, I had the privilege to know things I never knew from the rhythmic beats of traditional music to the intricate dance performances that captivated the attention of the audience, the performances was a proof it to the beauty and diversity of our cultural heritage.


One of the highlights of the day was witnessing the exchange of vows between the bride and groom. I normally see that happening in church didn't know people do it in the traditional ways too, it was a heartfelt moment that symbolized their deep love and unwavering commitment to each other, of course everyone knows that vows are something you have to keep as long as you live together in the marriage as they spoke words of promise and devotion, surrounded by their loved ones, it was impossible not to be moved by the profound significance of the occasion.

That was how my Thursday looked like, one I can't forget in a hurry.


Welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay here. @etorobong

The joy of marriage is an indescribable one. I guess it must have been the happiest day in the life of your friend.
Welcome to the community @etorobong, it was nice meeting you

Welcome to #tbt Thursdays!. Thank you for being here and sharing with us this beautiful love story with a happy ending where you were a witness. These pictures are beautiful, as much as the bride and her dress. I can feel the emotion of the moment through your words, it's a very funny post, thanks for sharing it here, you are welcome every Thursday you have a memory to reminisce with us...