My January BuJo setup

in Lifestyle5 months ago

So you already saw the 2024 BuJo setup which is for the whole year itself. Now let's move on to the monthly spreads. :D


For January, I got the flowery theme inspired by Erin Smith's January 2023 Romantic Floral Theme Setup. I love this month cos I see it as a symbol for rebirth and also cos it's my birth month lol.

I printed the pink floral pattern that I downloaded from here, and the flowers design from here.

On the left is a blank one for now since I have to look for a quote first or whatever motivational stuff there which I can just add later. :P


On the next page, I got the monthly calendar. All of the important events for the day will be written here.


Next is the habit tracker and brain dump for the month. For habit tracker, I can just put a color or dot for every single day that I do my journal, skincare, etc. After a month, it would be interesting to see how often I do things and if there is even an improvement for those.


I didn't want to make the calendars again and again so I just did that on Photoshop and printed them lol.


Then here we go with the monthly tasks, notes, and focus here. I just like writing the whole focus one and whatever is the focus for the weeks on the right side to remind me of stuff. The tasks section is there as well so I can just write the tasks that I needed to do but haven't been scheduled yet. Although one might just put this in brain dump section, I will be focusing my thoughts and random stuff on brain dump and just put the tasks here specifically.


So here goes the weekly spreads. On week 1, I immediately made a mistake. I wanted to start my weeks on Sundays and I just realized not all week for the month will have 7 days so I put an extra on the 7th box. I just put my picture there and some cheesy affirmation as a decoration as well.


The weekly has a waterfall pages style which I really like.


At the end of the month, I like to have a reflections page where I can just get an overall reflection for the month since writing them can make me realize things and remember them better so I can improve the next coming months.

The elements were downloaded from here and here. All from Freepik. Damn, a printer, sticker paper, and Freepik really gives you a superpower lol.

So that's my setup for January. I like the customization part of Bullet Journals, really, which planners can't do. I only included the things that I can use to not waste any pages and not distract me from things that actually matter.

I really love the decoration aspect of it and the fact that I can have different themes for different months. And also the fact that none of my pages warped so they stay nice and flat. :P

What do you have in your January setup?


January is one month that always seem to long for me😔😂

Love the designs though🔥🔥

Yeah I feel kinda the same lol I guess there's not much events in January that it feels so long. Thank you!

Your January layout is gorgeous! I love the printed elements you selected, and I really appreciate you sharing a link to the video that inspired this. I actually had never heard the term "Dutch door" before, so I learned something new today thanks to you!


Aw man @willendorfia, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you! I think it's important to share those links cos I can't just pretend I thought of the ideas haha. I also learned the dutch doors and waterfall spreads just recently! :D

That is so pretty! I like journals but I'm too lazy to write anything on it. This is the first time that I've heard of Brain Dump, quite nice, tho. If there's a monthly photo and video dump, so there is also like that. Whoah~ 😍

Same. I remember in school we were required to write daily on our diary and omg it was so exhausting that you have to write everyday even on boring days. But once you develop a habit it shouldn't feel so bad anymore :D

Yeah brain dumps are nice. Literally any thought haha but can also be pictures if you want. I personally added a photo there lol

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Wow, your doing great. For me, my 1st and 2nd week of January still went very well🥰♥️.

Ugh, grabeh ang bongga ng January bujo setup as long as with all the colorful stickers and aesthetic feels.

Here is my January bujo setup:

On my way to preparing the February cover and monthly setup. My kids enjoy flipping my journal because of the sketches I made and they love to see it because of the colors. XD

I love it! It's beautiful. I feel that having a beautiful journal makes you feel committed to use it every day, especially because of the way you are organizing pages by yourself.
A couple of month ago I started an illustrated diary. In the beginning I really didn't know how to manage it. It was very messy. But after some time, I finally got to make a page the way I wanted it to see it 🙃. I still have to work in having some layout samples to struggle with the blank page.