HIVE is awesome | My take on the Hive life

in Hive PH3 years ago


Hive Stock Images by @doze

I love learning new things; it's one of my guilty pleasure in life. And having stumbled into the HIVE ecosystem many moons ago, I naturally tried to find out as much about it as I can. One of the things that caught my eye in this blockchain was the Hive Engine. It's a hugely important matter to me and I'll tell you why.

After the pandemic struck, I was already posting on the old blockchain. It's cool. It's fresh. And, it really struck a chord in me that there is a blogging platform that "pays" one to upload posts, to "like", and to even send tips to other authors. Not only that, one can also upload videos and earn from that as well.

As the pandemic situation in our country went from bad to worse, projects that I normally get as a freelancer began drying up. And my side hustle as as a Grabcar driver halted. Sad times. We have just moved to a new house in another city when the government started implementing lock-downs, which was a difficult situation in itself, add to that that the only thing I can do were online engagements, selling stuff in online marketplaces, and blogging.

Enter HIVE

HIVE was "born" soon after and I got onboard with the community that left the old one because I saw that it was the right thing to do. Soon after this momentous event (the fork from Steem), I discovered the @hiveph community where Filipino Hivers help each other out and learn more about the blockchain from mentors who really went out of their way to help newbies understand the complexities and nuances of this blockchain. It was an AHA moment!

Moving on with my story. I began to earn more by posting about #vegan and #vegetarian food, meditation and wellness, and started trading a small amount on the Hive Engine. This created a positive income flow for me. The first time in a few weeks with income, no matter how small it was, it made me happy. What started out as a small blogging project was now a full-fledged engagement for me. I was hooked. This was a win not only for me but also for the idea that we have the capacity to be financially independent from a traditional job. Not that everyone should do it nor do I criticize people who do but for me, in my particular situation, this is the best course of action. As I was already a freelancer for the longest time, this is the perfect scenario.

I've mustered the courage to trade on external markets as well.

Having learned how to trade on Hive Engine gave me enough of the basics to venture into exchanges outside of HE. I already have accounts set up from before when I tried buying cryptocurrency so it complemented my HIVE journey.

The increase in Hive price is a blessing. It reinforced the idea that HIVE can really shoot up and moon. I know that prices do fluctuate but it doesn't matter. Also, things were a little boring in our discord channel before the HIVE price pumped. It's kinda ironic because thinking about it, I would have gotten more blogging rewards if I posted this before when the prices were low but it is what it is. People have this tendency to walk with the herd. Not everyone is conditioned to lead the pack.

Fast-forward to today, I've managed to stake some of my crypto-money into defi and other investments and I now have more time to focus on the social side of the blockchain. Hence, more time for blogging and playing Splinterlands.

Finally, the black swan event which caused me to lose my source of income led me to explore an avenue where I found a new one. And this is where I now stand. It's a blessing to know that when one door closes, another door opens. I'm extremely grateful to be able to share my story, especially those new to the platform. Thanks for reading up to here.

Keep safe and be blessed everyone!



It's awesome how your story turned out! I kinda had the same experience. The pandemic pushed me into blogging and boy was I so happy to be earning (no matter how little) while writing. And it's amazing how much the prices have pumped right now! Got us all excited there 😁

So true. The pump in prices got all of us pumped up and motivated to blog, curate, and play games. It's a good thing that we now have a good on-boarding program in place and that @hiveph peeps are active in doing so. Back then, newbies would have had to upload dozens of blog posts to even get $1 as rewards. It's all about the love for blogging, but the rewards make it much better, of course.


I know! The Hive PH community is so supportive! And I'm happy to even meet and read other Pinoy's blogs. Looking forward to your posts too!

Thanks for dropping by @tangatraveller. Maraming salamat sa engagement. hehe... :)

Glad to read your adventures,

(I got stuck for more than a year on a ship because of the pandemic, GHAD! I was so worried about my family... all the money in the world would be meaningless if I lost them back then, but it's fine now 😊)

Also glad to hear you venturing out of HIVE, just an after thought, why don't you try LEOfinance blogging and share you ideas on external markets could help out HIVE in the long run knowing about other the competitions.

Wow. One year is a long time to be away from family. It's even more difficult when you are out at sea and worried about what might happen to them. Good to know that your family is fine now.

I do post on Leo once in a while. I don't really have a set schedule for blogging so I wouldn't really know. I just blog whenever I feel writing about a particular topic. There are already too many good authors on Leo also so I would just be a newbie there discussing blockchain and finance. :)

Thanks for dropping by @khoola.


Your story has been the story of most people due to pandemic which was losing their jobs or source of income. Good thing that you are talented enough to venture into another area like blogging. I'm new to Hive but I like the system that they are using which is helping each other specially to newbies like me. The veterans of Hive are always ready to help and answer questions of the new ones that is why instead of being discouraged they become encouraged to go on. Thank you for sharing your story. It's an inspiring one. God bless your family!

Thanks for the nice comment, @jeannette20. I am encouraged by your feedback. The pandemic really affected all of us. I'm glad it turned out the way it did for me. Wishing you and your family a good weekend. :)


Your adventures inspire me a lot man! I'm always interested in positive life stories and yours is really worth reading. It's a blessing for me that I found this here in Hive.

As I sifted through your post, I noticed that you have an incredible writing skill and your vocabulary usage is astounding. Simple but impressive. The way you delivered your story is so natural and effective. I'm saying this as I am not well versed with the language and it was only recently that I'm improving this one aspect of mine, especially in writing.

Like you, I am also playing splinterlands. I entered as a gamer then, supposedly a way for me to get rid of my mobile legends playing habit, it turned to be not only a great pastime for me but also an additional source of income. So little by little, I'm studying crypto investment and trading.

Looking forward to your future post and great positive life stories from others here in Hive. Thank you for sharing your story.

Thanks for the nice comment, @nikojen. Welcome to HIVE. It's a great writing platform if you are into blogging, but it's much, much more than that. I'm sure you've already discovered some of the great things about it by now. There are weekly webinars at the @hiveph discord channel which is open to Pinoy Hivers if you like attending free webinars. Drop by and meet the team. They are always ready to answer questions especially to newbies. All the best, man.


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Thanks, @ecency. Have a nice day!

It's a blessing to know that when one door closes, another door opens


I love your story, short, concise, and interesting.

Thanks for the feedback, @afterglow. !PIZZA


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juanvegetarian tipped afterglow (x1)
juanvegetarian tipped khoola (x1)
juanvegetarian tipped nikojen (x1)
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