Finally finishing Onigiri Maker as a product / おにぎりメーカーを完成させる

in DIYHub15 days ago

Seven years ago, we designed and produced Onigiri Maker when we were working on kids' food education project in Social Impact Lab Leipzig.

Onigiri Maker is a tool to help people making Japanese rice balls. Often it's made of plastic. Plastic ones are practical especially as it can be washed in dishwashers but we wanted to make it from wood.

We successfully designed it and asked to a social help wood craft studio in the region to produce it ... already in 2017.

But it was naked for 7 years without a proper wrapping and an instruction sheet. I gave an instruction sheet that I made for a workshop to people who bought it from me at a local market.

I took photos of it for web shops in 2020. And slowly slowly I continue selling it.

Then this year I got an offer from a shop that they kindly sell our Onigiri Maker. This made me motivated to make a proper package for it finally. I found a way to wrap it in a less costly and mass produceable way.

I also experiment some easy Onigiri making methods for the instruction sheet.

Our goal of the month is to finish the design and bring the product to the first shop. Good luck for us and the Onigiri Maker 🍙

🍚 🍚 🍚







Best of luck!!! The packaging design looks fabulous!

In plastic the Onigiri Maker will be really handy, but the wood gives it a beautiful look, I love it.

Thank you for your comment. It encourages me a lot.

You are welcome.

I am Venezuelan and I have a friend who married a Japanese citizen, recently she was able to come to my country and I was able to enjoy some of the Japanese gastronomy! I think this onigiri maker is great, thanks for sharing, good wishes for you!

How nice Japanese food traveled the other side of the earth and well accepted 😊 I'm happy to read so. I do my best to spread the Onigiri Maker 🍙

Good luck these onigiri maker looks so cute afe made of wood?

They are made of beech tree :) It's common for cooking tools in Germany.
