Remembering my doll πŸͺ† with this DIY Pillar Bracelet

in DIYHub β€’ 15 days ago

Hello my Beautiful and Handsome friends of Hive πŸ™‹πŸΎ,

happy to be here again to share my skill with you guys πŸ˜€, hope you all are having a great day. I made this beautiful pillar bracelet today and I would like to show you how t'was done. I kinda remembered those days I was a little girl πŸ‘§πŸΎ, I made my father so happy, and he bought me a doll πŸͺ†, I loved that doll a lot especially the black shoes πŸ₯Ώ and white socks , but I only did not like the dress πŸ˜‘πŸ‘—; I hated that white up part like a blouse and red-and-white stripes on the flay. I decided to make a dress πŸ‘—for it. I took one of our old and worn-out blue clothes and made a dress πŸ‘— just beautiful to me and no one else, it looked good on the doll πŸͺ†. Then I loved it more. Back to the beads it is more of repeated work and it's easy πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Required Materials

Blue Seed Beads 11\0
White Seed Beads 11\0
Black Seed Beads 11\0
Jump Ring πŸƒπŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ’
Lobster Clasp 🦞🧷
Other Beading requirements.

Let's Begin (☞ Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)☞

We will first take a thread perfect in length for our work, (I took 230cm thread). We will pick up 4 blue beads and go through all of them to form a square. Pick up 2 blue beads and go through 2 of the previously added beads to form a rectangle or let me say 3 rows of 2 blue beads. We will do that again making it 4 rows.

Secondly, We will go through 2 blue beads from the opposite column (i.e the starting point, we will go through one bead form the first and second row).

At this point, we will pick up 2 blue beads and go down through one bead and up through the bead beside it ( this particular bead has no one on top of it, there's 2 columns instead of 3). We'll pick up 2 beads and go down through one bead and up through the bead beside it and one of the newly added bead. We will continue this process till we get our desired length not forgetting to add our designs.

To end the work, we will pick up 6 blue beads and go through the opposite edge to forn a loop on both ends before attaching the jump ring πŸƒπŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ and lobster Clasp🦞🧷.

This πŸ‘‡πŸ½is the final look.

Thanks for coming this far.πŸ™πŸ½
Your comments are appreciated πŸ˜‰.
ByeπŸ‘‹πŸ½ my friends.

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Beautiful bracelet @ladyfoth

Thank you dearie , ❀️

Β 15 days agoΒ Β 

the beads in the bracelet are lovely. Nice work

Thank you so much.

Nice bracelet πŸ‘

I really appreciate it. ❀️❀️
