Monday Market Musings | Week 21 | 2024

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An Extra Day Off

Whit Monday is a traditional holiday, but for us, it actually only means an extra day off for my partner. Certainly has nothing to do with crypto, but it's just a Monday. And so time for market musings. Now I must admit that in recent weeks my focus has completely shifted from sitting indoors and worrying about market fluctuations to enjoying the outdoors. With temperatures finally rising to more pleasant values, despite the daily rain showers, it is almost impossible not to take advantage of the moments when it is dry. If the weather becomes a bit drier, then I have no reason to complain anymore.

Anyway, Monday is traditionally the day for my Market Musings. However, how do you think about a market in which you have hardly been involved lately? Sure, I don't see Hive moving much at the moment. This combination of outdoor life and a stable, but unexciting market, means that my motivation to write is at a low level. I have daily actions that I cannot ignore, and that's how I saw that ETH has climbed above 3000 USD again. Will this remain the case? Who knows. For the time being it seems stable, but a strong, upward trend is not yet in sight.

And then there is always Peter Schiff, the eternal doomsayer who has once again opened his mouth. According to him, Bitcoin is dead, despite Bitcoin currently trading well above 67K USD. Schiff insists that we should not compare Bitcoin to gold and this time Bitcoin's death is proven because silver recently rose 24%, while Bitcoin was up a paltry 2%. Yes, Schiff, I would like more of that. If we look further back, we see very different numbers: Bitcoin rose 60% last year, while silver only gained 14%. It seems that Schiff is a champion at using numbers selectively to support his story. Thank you, Peter, for this wonderful achievement in short-term memory. Let's quickly move on to the daily activities.

Waiting For Hive To Wake Up

And let's keep hoping that Hive will wake up too. A little glory for Hive wouldn't go amiss, but my doubts are growing. There are several reasons for my skepticism, but for now, I'll keep them to myself because they are still based on conjecture. I'm curious about your opinions on this.

What do you think? Will there be a bull run for Hive? Are we finally going to dance with joy because our laboriously saved Hivepower will finally gain meaning because Hive will be in line with the rest of the crypto market? Or will we remain deceived and only continue to dream of the great bull run that will pass Hive?

Hopefully Hive Lives Up To The Potential

I would like nothing more than to see Hive finally live up to its potential. Recent developments in the crypto market show that there can always be surprises. You don't have to look very far for that. Every crypto cycle has shown surprises that were not immediately expected. Why couldn't Hive do the same? But realistically, we also need to be prepared for the possibility that this bull run could spill over to Hive. There is no guarantee, and there are reasons to believe that Hive is not doing so great. For that, I only have to look at where Hive now stands to Bitcoin and many other cryptos. The crypto market is unpredictable and often irrational.

If we're honest, it's sometimes difficult to remain optimistic in a market that behaves so erratically. The hype surrounding Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies sometimes seems to take all the oxygen out of the space, leaving little for the smaller players like Hive. But it is precisely that uncertainty, that constant change, that can make the crypto world so fascinating and profitable. Yes, profitable if you can use volatility to your advantage.

Keep Investing In The Community

For the time being, I continue to hope for better times for Hive, and for the 2nd layer projects in which I am invested. The success of many 2nd layer projects is directly related to the success of Hive, so in my humble opinion, it is important to continue investing in our community. Until better times come for Hive, I'll just continue to enjoy the outdoors. Perhaps, just like the weather forecasts, the crypto market will also pleasantly surprise us. Until then, I'll continue to muse, write, and enjoy the sun, rain, and everything in between.


I don't plan on going anywhere, but I also don't see Hive having any huge breakouts any time soon. It's just one of those things that seems to be stable. I hope I am wrong though.

It´s far too stable, and very much lagging when you look at the rest of the market. I hope for a surprise though, but I´m not expecting it

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