Happy Splinterlands 6th year anniversary

in BDCommunity17 days ago (edited)

My first introduction to this enthralling world of splinterlands was through my friend on hive, he's also a splinterlands player, a great one at that. Maybe I need to talk about him a little, his growth on hive is amazing and I can say I envy his growth on the blockchain. This is a man that met me on hive but he's doing great more than I do on the blockchain, he has so many times inspire me indirectly to do many things that I haven't been doing before. I was going through his blog on day and I saw some post he made about splinterlands challenge, I did not hesitate to slide into his DM to ask as many questions as possible about it. I'm the type that love asking questions, I disturb him alot, even times when it's not convenient for him he still finds time to attend to me. I'm indebted to him and I hope I'll be able to repay him accordingly.

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After asking many questions, we fixed the time for meetings, we use Google meet most times because we're far away from each other. It took us a couple of weeks before we could finish teaching and learning the basics, it shouldn't have taken that long but due to the network and electricity issues we had made it complicated.
I can still remember how he was showing me how to select my cards, what to consider while selecting cards and all I need to know.

Moreover, I joined splinterlands not quite long, just few months ago, I think February to be precise. And since then till now, the experience have been wonderful.
Playing the game is usually fun-filled, I enjoyed every minute I've spent playing it, sometimes I feel like I should continue playing without stopping, but other activities also needs my time, so I had quit to continue another day. Sometimes I can be too busy to play and sometimes I play five, ten, 15 games or more. The number of games I play depends on how busy or free I am.

Nevertheless, I'm still learning, even though I've learnt the basics, but just like they say; learning never stops, so I'm still learning. I'm in bronze III, and I had rent a card the other time, still going to rent more so I can win more and gain more rewards. Of course I'm always looking forward to achieving a lot in the game just like we have professionals that are acquiring a whole lot already. Also aiming for higher leagues, collecting specific cards and mastering new strategies. I want to be a master in the game, knowing all I need to know and taking maximum advantage.

Image source

However, here's my candid advise to someone who's just stepping into splinterlands universe.
Even though the game is a play to earn game which comes with a lot of opportunities, newbies should look for someone like a mentor that will show them around, because that person has known the way already it's just left for the newbie to follow instructions and things will just go smoothly.
The Newbie must also be ready to learn at all times, that learning ability must be activated at all times because we get better through learning day by day.
Lastly, consistency is key in whatever one does in life, like the saying; practice makes perfection, one will definitely get better by practicing over and over again what has been learnt.


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I will love to engage in this splinterland games, a game I can earn and still have fun with. Happy Anniversary splinterland

You're welcome boss, just let me know when you're ready

I am glad he was teaching you for you to teach me when I come😂
Happy 6th anniversary to Spinterlands

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar