6 Years Anniversary- Splinterland Social Media Challenge-My First Win With Gobalano Soldier.

in BDCommunity15 days ago

Hey splinter geeks.

To tell you the truth am really not a fan of games, but i was advice by my onboarder to pick up one Hive game and get myself involve with it. For two reasons one to get familiar with how the system works amd 2 to have fun.

I saw alot of hive game out there, Rising start, terracore, Gods on chain, Holozing, now each of this games has one thing in common which makes it difficult for me to really understand and get the clearer picture of what is all about. Then i saw splinterlands and it was very different from the rest

First of all i love Splinterland because you can start free unlike other games out there. Usually the spell book to become a full time member is just $10 which is a fair prize. But if you dont want to complicate things so much you can start for free at first and carry on till you know the in and out of the game

I played splinterlands for couple of hour, read all about it from the hompage, and decided to study each splinter on my own,

So here i was trying to figure out which splinter works best, i lost in couple of battles but got my first with a lot of trial and error.

On this battle i picked the fire splinter cause in there it has quite alot of starter card that has lower mana cost with lots of characteristics.

The card i love from my list of team over there is the Gobalano Soldier. He posses the ambush ability maybe that is the reason why

Though the health of this card is very low which is just two, but i love it because of the two abilities it posses which is the Ambush and sneak ability, the Ambush ability got to act before the battle begins and the sneak ability target the enemy team on the last position instead of first

My battle bloodshed to my first win

Splinterlands is filled with so much adventures, i haven't really accomplish anything yet but the only achievement I've got is starting out the game, and finding my feet.

I plan to buy my spellbook soon probably next week, lets see how that goes, well for beginners keep your faith at it start playing from somewhere, splinterlands is not all that complicated the way it is cracked up to be. Never the less the game is a fun one.

Hop on and join amazing Armies in their quest to victory On Splinterland

Join in on weekly Social Media challenge on splinterlands, More about it here

Screenshot taken from the game Splinterlands

Image made by me. On canva



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