We are all going to be Alright

Coming back from a fun-filled weekend, I came back with so much enthusiasm only to be greeted by a heartbreaking news that left me speechless.

A close colleague of mine’s phone was stolen and the entire money in her account was wiped out, contained in that account was over 800k which is approximately $572, which included money for her business, clients money and her salary. Looking at the devastated young lady in front of me I couldn’t help but wonder how people got to the point where they could steal from other people, wipe people’s accounts, leave these people devastated and broken, and still walk freely, how can you still be happy that you have just pushed someone to their melting point?


Like where did some people’s conscience go to? How do they sleep at night knowing they have ruined a person's life? These and many more are the questions that ran through my mind when I saw my colleague crying like a baby today.

This colleague of mine is a steward in my firm and her pay is not so big, she’s currently the breadwinner of her family which was why she was so devasted when her account was compromised.

She had gone to the bank but they all said there was nothing they could do since her phone was stolen, we tried to track the phone, we tried various ways to get back the money but it all proved abortive and when you stay in a country where the system rarely works, you can’t help but endure.


I met my colleague in the office crying and people were consoling her. I am a strong believer that nothing is impossible, and my faith in God is so strong that I believe He always shows up, He is not too early or too late but always on time and I am of the opinion that no matter how bad things are, we all are going to be Alright.

You hold me Your arms
Until my storm is calm

I remembered the Lyrics of Ryan Ellis’ song Gonna Be Alright, as I knew the song by heart. I just knew God was cooking something for this young lady.

. Gonna Be Alright is a Christian song, it’s a song that reminds us of the faithfulness of God, it is a song that encourages us to hang in there for a little while, and such songs are my favorites.

I love songs that don’t leave me the same, I love songs that speak to my spirit and strike a chord in me and this is exactly what Gonna Be Alright does to me every time I listen to it.

For some reason the lyrics just kept coming out while I was sympathizing with her, I found myself believing every word the songwriter had penned down. Deep down in my heart, I knew that everything was going to be alright if not soon but eventually.


A few hours later people started donating, they weren’t cajoled or begged, they were doing it out of their free will and my colleague didn’t know if she was to cry or laugh. We saw God working behind the scenes as He turned things around.

Even though we might not raise up to the 800k she had lost we are going somewhere and that alone is progress.

I have been in certain situations where all hope was lost but listening to Gonna Be Alright always sparks something in me, it is not just a regular song, it is a song that keeps me positive and gives me strength and the courage to bounce back.

Truly everything is Gonna Be Alright

Gonna Be Alright

If you ever feel a certain way I recommend you listen to Gonna Be Alright and you would be glad that you did.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


I wonder how human beings will be so cruel, one of my friends was also rubbed or his phone and company laptop in his house by an acquaintance that came to visit.
It will be well with us.

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Yes my darling it is well🥰

There are incredibly bad people in the world. But there are also many good people around your co-workers, including you. So I also believe that everything will be all right.

Yeah, everything will be alright, we've raised a lot of money for her and she still cannot believe it.

That’s so sad. I could say a lot of things but I’m just grateful that in the end, everything was alright and God came through for your friend. Oh, people can be really wicked sometimes.


Yeah, we all are grateful to God for coming through for her😃


Thank you!

I know what it's like to lose a big investment, the pressure of that moment is very stressful, it's hard to recover because there are debts to pay, but thank God there are people willing to help. I also like to listen to songs that comfort my heart in those difficult moments, you feel relief and faith.


It wasn't easy but God showed up😊

I am.most touched by the fact of people donating for her. That was really a huge loss for her. Some times life just happens

Some times life just happens

It sure does🙂

Some people's conscience are dead, so they can hurt anyone without any feeling of guilt and they walk freely.
I strongly sympathize with her, and I join my faith with yours that everything will be alright, because there is absolutely nothing that God cannot do.
Thank you for sharing this amazing article.

because there is absolutely nothing that God cannot do.

He is doing more than we can ever think or imagine, thank you so much my !Lady😊

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That's really a heartbreaking moment for such person.

These people that steal, they don't have the heart of human...just the way people that kill are

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That's so sad. I just believe that these people don't have a heart, they feel like it's their right to take people's things forcefully.
Karma is real and I hope they get to reap the fruit of their labor.

God always comes through for his people, glad you all were willing to help her.

Nigeria is indeed becoming something else, but we are gonna be alright anyways. My phone also got lost this week Saturday also. I didn't bother much since I had just a little bit more than 10k in my opay account. Lucky enough they did not even touch the money in the account.

Ohhh you were so so lucky, but all the same we celebrate the gift of life as nothing beats that.

You are absolutely right my dear