
Yes, you are a true contrarian and you're one of a kind.

It's nice to know that you are not afraid to question everything and go against the grain. The truth is that status quo is overrated and happiness is found in the most unexpected places.

Bartending, DJing, living in Spain, chasing your dreams - that's the kind of life anyone should get behind. It doesn't have to be in that order or similar but at least chase something they love and that's that.

You're a living proof that you can do your own thing and still find those little twinkies of joy along the way.

And let's not forget about that whole "work till you're old" thing - you hit the nail on the head with that one. Why slave away in the rat race when you could be living it up while you're young and filled with strength?

I have to say, I admire your contrarian spirit. It's not easy going against the current, but you make it look effortless.

The world needs more people like you who aren't afraid to think outside the box and find their own path to happiness. Keep doing you, sir.

Ahhwww such a nice comment, and yes written like this it might sound effortless and I would not change it for a thing but I stumbled many times along the way. Maybe that is a nice topic to highlight in another post.

TBH I did not see myself as much as a contrarian till I wrote this !LOLZ

Always super great to read your comments on my Sunday Posts Thanks !PIMP

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@whywhy just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @iskawrites.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


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Thank you for letting us all, and me in particular, know a little, in fact... a lot about your choices and decisions throughout your life. Too often we get carried away in the rat race, as you rightly say. And when we're running, in the hustle and bustle, then we start to question everything and anything. But what's right is never what we have, but what others have or what others are chasing... Man's infamous fate. Never being happy with what you have. There's a song by a Portuguese singer that's very famous for that very lyric. I'll put the link to it here. I know you won't understand the lyrics, but it goes something like this

"Because I only want who
Who I've never seen
Because I only want who
Who I never met
Because I only want who
Who I've never seen
This dissatisfaction
I can't understand
Always this feeling
That I'm losing
I'm in a hurry to leave
I want to feel when I arrive
I want to leave
To another place"

Sorry for not having a video clip, this song was made 1983

I loved reading this real hypopoeia of ideas and interconnected videos, and with a lot of meaning in your words. I've kept some very important ones: "Choose your battles"; and "Time is a precious commodity".

I loved the video clip and the "Perfect Circle" song, I'd never heard it before... and the touch of "Absolute Happiness" vodka is a must!

Man's infamous fate. Never being happy with what you have.

I still wake up many days telling myself to be happy with the little things life throws my way and it works. Especially when they are trying to push me back into the race.

You summarized it perfectly, I just would add "You can go your own way" to "Choose your battles"; and "Time is a precious commodity". Basically I could have written those 3 instead of almost 2K of words-

But the best is to hear someone got the same kick out of the Perfect Circle song and to share another awesome song back. I will have to listen it a couple of times as my Spanish is okay but my Portuguese needs some training but it sounds great so I def. will. Thanks for the awesome comment !PIZZA

Thank you so much for your reply on my comment! This is for me one of the best "things" about social platforms, to share thoughts, ideas, and to learn something. Thrust me, that I've accomplished a little bit of those three with your post :)

Wow, this is a massive culture tour of your brain.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Thanks and Oops 😬 I didn't want to make it scary !LOLZ

I ain´t spending no more time trying to convince talking monkeys that they might be wrong. Even though the only truth out there is that there is No Doubt In Fact.

This! Takes too much of your energy that could have gone elsewhere and results in ending up frustrated or misunderstood.

That little piece of heaven.. make it happen!

Will do ain't got no choice.... I am meant to do it

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