
It's not about being to light, if it's heavy then there should be an underlying melody I can hear, that's what gets me. I like plenty of soppy stuff, you would be surprised.

Some of the heaviest stuff I listen to has chord progression that can still be heard despite the din, along with a keyboard overlay. Take the start of this monster as an example...

I like the music, but I am not really a big fan of that type of singing. It just kind of sounds like one long belch to me. If I wanted to listen to someone burp out the alphabet I would go to a fifth grade classroom!

Not keen on the growls either, its the music I like.


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Much like you, enjoy variety of music except rap, spice of life is mood swings.

Never heard any of the suggestions you have today, always something different, first and second songs selected more my style!

I'm glad you found something you enjoyed even if it isn't your typical style!

Don't mind trying anything new, second Japanese song sounds like the girls had fun.

Good luck with it. For you I hope it’s not a bust.

Thanks, I ended up not buying any today. I will explain more about it on Friday when I write my post.

I quite like most music types, with exception to very heavy metal and im not so keen on Jazz and some blues stuff. I quite like the BabyMetal tune! haha I have a soft spot for this group as they look cute! 😀 I would be interested to know your top 3 Limp Bizkit tunes one day. Would it make a post? :)

I honestly don't know much of their stuff beyond the hits. It's been so long since I have listened to them that I would have to go back and look. Rollin and Break Stuff are the only two that come to mind right now.

Sounds like a boat launch is a good picture for that project. If it's got a hole in it, the whole thing will sink eventually.

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That is a good point! Thank you! Trading it going crazy now that the token has launched. I tried to pick some up at the launch price and it is already 10x almost.

I think I'll skip RETIK. I don't know enough about it to ape in. That Baby Metal song is wild. Metal in Japan has taken a strange turn in recent years, from the hard metal we had in the 80s/90s, to this kind of pop/metal fusion.

It's interesting and definitely a bit more accessible to the masses.

Retik finance eh. Must check it out.

The price is up over $2.00 already last I checked.

Oh nice. You should check out Osaka Protocol. Meant to be the same people behind Shiba Inu. .Still early. If it flies then we are Hive whales. Dark Assassins' will be on top. 🤣

I don't think it was me that recommended that band to you but I do love me some Baby Metal! especially the Gimme Chocolate song. I recall an idiot interviewer that was speaking to the girls in that band via an interpreter that was looking for some sort of hidden meaning in that song and the girls looked confused. They just told her that sometimes they really really want chocolate and they have to have it. The interviewer seemed unable to process that the song was literally about what it appeared to be on the surface.

Haha, that is pretty funny. I can totally understand, sometimes I just want chocolate too! Okay, maybe it wasn't you. I thought sure it was though.

The music picks are awesome too—Unleash the Archers and Baby Metal are so unique! Love finding new bands to listen to.

I'm glad I was able to bring you something new!

I've not been used to this tune before but it's a nice one.


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good tunes?

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