Conquering Distances: From Dawn Till Dusk

in Actifitlast month

There's something profoundly satisfying about pushing your limits, about taking on a challenge that seems a bit daunting at first glance. Today was one of those days where I set out to test my endurance, and oh, what a journey it was!

It all started as a family affair—a breezy 5 km walk in the crisp morning air, with the chatter of my loved ones blending perfectly with the sounds of the local flea market we wandered through. There's a special kind of magic in these early hours, a gentle awakening of both body and spirit as we meandered past stalls and shared laughs. But that was just the warm-up.

After a short break, equipped with a water bottle and my trusty sneakers, I embarked on the second leg of my day's adventure—a more solitary and demanding 33 km trek. The path took me along serene waterways and through lush green fields, all under a broad, encouraging sky. As the kilometers added up, so did my reflections on how each step was a mix of effort and meditative rhythm.

The real test came around the 30 km mark. They say you meet the 'man with the hammer' when you push your limits, and indeed, I did. My legs screamed for respite, my breath grew heavy, but my heart was set on completing what I had started. It's in these moments that you learn the most about yourself—your grit, your resolve, and the quiet, insistent voice that urges you on when every muscle begs to stop.

I leaned into that discomfort, embraced it even, as the end of the path beckoned. The last few kilometers were tough, a true test of will, but as I neared the finish line, the sense of impending achievement grew. When I finally stopped, the exhaustion was palpable, but more overwhelming was the surge of triumph.

Reflecting back as I stretched my weary limbs, I realized this wasn't just about the physical distance covered. It was a journey of personal growth, of understanding that our limits are often not where we think they are but far beyond. Today wasn't just another entry in my fitness log; it was a chapter in my life's story—a testament to the power of will and the beauty of the natural world that sustains us through our toughest challenges.

As I share this tale, I hope it inspires you to set your sights on your own horizons, to push through your perceived boundaries, and to discover what lies on the far side of 'can't.' Because sometimes, the best stories begin with a single step into the unknown. #BeyondBoundaries #EnduranceExplorations

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to or for more info.

Check out to see all the gear I’m using

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How do you make a cheese puff?
Chase it around the block.

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Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Because he Neverlands

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It is raining so hard we may need an Ark
Luckily I Noah guy.

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In a Thai con-do.

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These words of yours are good to my soul. One chapter in the story of my life was a testament to the power of will and the beauty of the natural world that sustains us through our toughest challenges. Both soul and body will be strong. Your photography was also excellent

Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it, and were touched by both my words and photography! 🙏😉

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Determination and the willingness to push against the boundaries of our comfort zones is a very powerful practice! Congratulations, @borniet! Really beautiful photos, too! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Thank you very much Tyndyn! Yes indeed, I'm learning myself these things through walking now, and I see the benefits of it all in the rest of my life as well!

You're so welcome, @borniet, absolutely! It's really excellent that you're seeing how to apply your limit-smashing in walking to other areas of your life also! Brilliant! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


I sent my girlfriend a 'Get Better' card.
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Did you hear about the happy Roman?
He was gladiator.

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