Rain rain go away - Affiliate Takeover work done : May 12 2024

in Actifit19 days ago

Rained solidly all night from midnight - was awake watching detective shows on TV. Still raining when I got moving. The late nights are taking their toll

Worked hard to get some positive outcomes from this stay at home weather. Went through more of the training from Kevin Fahey's Affiliate Takeover system - making bonuses and wrestling with AI video creation

It rained and it rained even harder. This was the record for month to date this morning. Pretty sure it will be over 500 mms by the end of the day - that is 20 inches of rain. Imagine that lying on your street

Grey scene down the street - decided to walk to Bowling Club for a beer and weekly badge draw

Up the street on the way out. At least the storm water system is working - no flooding in the street

Same cannot be said of the shortcut pathway to the back of the service station - always floods in this cornet

Joined up with a few folk from our street in the club - first people I have spoken to all week. Had a couple of beers - did bot win the badge draw or the weekly raffle.

Had stopped raining for the walk home - a few extra steps to see the creek up above the park. Too dark for photos.

Dinner - jazzed up the crab fried rice with a fried egg - Malaysian style

Step back time. Affiliate Takeover could be the best Internet Marketing training I have seen. It leverages AI to create exclusive bonuses and pre-sell reports and videos. See one of my new bonuses in action Explore it now https://mclnks.com/takeoverbonus
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
