Rant, KpopXdanceFitness & My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2024

in Actifit17 days ago (edited)

The day started fine, but got frustrating when I had to work with a colleague on making sure certain goals were being met. It's part of my job to oversee this, and it’s frustrating when what’s being said doesn’t match what’s really happening.

Teaching means a lot to me; it’s not just a job, it’s a big responsibility. I truly believe we can make a big difference in kids' lives. So, when I see things aren’t going well, it's disappointing. I start to wonder if I’m doing something wrong. I do reflect a lot and work it out no matter what coz I do want to see progress.

What bothers me even more is when some colleagues blame the kids instead of thinking about their own part in things. This makes me mad because it goes against what we're here for: helping and guiding kids, especially those with special needs. It does make me wonder why teach when the passion of it you dont possess. Yep, I am definitely ranting. 😖


Off I went to the fitness studio to dance away my stresses with KpopXfitness. It never fails to work its magic on me. After the session, I felt completely de-stressed and was able to shake off those earlier feelings. And, of course, I've got a plan in mind, so I'm confident things will work out eventually.

Laters Actifitters!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Dancing,Moving Around Office


Great photo, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day


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