Is it Holiday yet? & My Actifit Report Card: May 20 2024

in Actifit14 days ago (edited)

The weather was absolutely bonkers today—sunny one moment, rainy the next, until it finally settled down around 3ish in the afternoon.

Just like the weather, work was also hectic, with a flurry of activity followed by back-to-back meetings. Surprisingly, though, it wasn't all bad. Time seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, the day was almost over.

On the bright side, we have a quick midterm break to look forward to next week—just six more days until then. After that, it's four more weeks of work until the long-awaited summer holidays. If you're a teacher like me, you probably understand exactly how I'm feeling right now. 😅

KpopXfitness dance to end my Monday as usual. The studio was packed today, which made me realize that I wasn't alone in needing to shake off those Monday blues. Knowing that others were in the same boat was quite comforting. We even learned a new K-pop dance, but unfortunately, I forgot to ask for the title of the song. Oops!

Laters Actiffiters!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Dancing,Moving Around Office


Thank you for sharing the report, have a nice day and have a great week

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