Abandoned!…….My Actifit Report Card: May 3 2024

in Actifit29 days ago (edited)

Abandoned? It would appear that this little 6 year old has left the building. After doing a little research, if the snail did abandon its shell, it would be atypical behavior for it.

Apparently a snail will never leave its shell as it is dependent upon it for survival and protection. IF a snail left its shell, it would be for only a handful of reasons. It’s shell could be damaged beyond the norm, which presuming it had survived the accident, would leave it no recourse but to search for new digs. It could be that the snail was ill and abandoned its shell for reasons we might not know. However, the most likely scenario is that the little guy died. Apparently even in death, it takes quite some time before they might would ‘fall’ out of their shells after death. It’s kind of sad that they spend all those years extracting calcium from their environment to build the shell. At least I suppose, they get to die at ‘home’. 🐌

Now I understand that Pepe the Frog won’t abandon his digs! He has many scattered around the world!

Work was crazy busy today! Just before we closed at 4 Pm, we literally had around 5-6 people slide in the door! 🙀 That is the first time I’ve ever seen that many at closing all at once! I’m thinking we need to think about the timing of calling folks about their glasses being ready! 😏

Here’s some eye candy for you to enjoy!

These are weird looking!

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care. Happy weekend! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH



Good morning! I'm back!!!

I hope your trip was lovely and relaxing and you are feeling refreshed! Have a lovely Sunday sis! Love ya much!🤗💜😁💕😍😘🌹🌸 !LUV !LUV

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Hello, Sis! Wow, 5 people all at once at closing time? I feel for you and sorry it happened. Great job on your steps today! I'm sorry about the empty snail shell too. Poor little guy. Could a bird have eaten it? I love the pictures @elizabethbit they are wonderful! Your camera is awesome! I meant to complement you on your steps in your post with the other snails and Olympic Mountains or are they the North Cascades? Anyway congrats on your steps there. Have a nice new week ahead! Sending much love to you and hugs. !BBH !CTP

Hey sis! From what I've read, I don't think a bird could clean the shell out that well. The snail is kind of 'stuck' to it.

I am in the Cascades, and it is beautiful here. However, I've learned to appreciate nature all around. When I first moved to Colorado from Ohio, things seemed so stark and barren and so wide open. I eventually saw the beauty there of sagebrush; Indian Paintbrush, cacti and various other things. When I first visited here, I almost felt claustrophobic, lol! So much plant life!

Anyway, the only complaint I have is the humidity. The mountains trap it to a point and it can be so much more humid at my house than down in the valley.

Thanks for stopping by sis! Hugs and kisses!🤗😘😍💕🌸🤗🤗😘😍💕🌸🤗 !LADY !LUV

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OK, Sis @elizabethbit That makes sense about the poor little snail. 🐌 I love his shell the beauty of it. That is so amazing how you know the years by the lines in the shell and counting them like tree. Yes, it can get humid here too. Humidity can feel very uncomfortable. You're welcome and I loved your posts! Hugs Kisses back to you, Sis!
!BBH !CTP 🌟🙏🤗💜💗😘😍🌷🌺😍😘💗💜🤗🙏

Thank you sis, you are so sweet!🤗💜😎😍😘🌞💕🌸🤗 !LADY !LUV

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You're most welcome Sis! !BBH !CTP 🌟🙏🤗💜💗😘😍🌷🌺😍😘💗💜🤗🙏 The little tiny creatures are so precious @elizabethbit Sis. 🐌🐌

Indeed!🤗💜💕🌹🐌🤗🌸🌞🤗 !LADY !LUV

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