My Actifit Report Card: May 4 2024

in Actifitlast month

Breakfast was Farina with an egg over easy. Did some chores and then went out to work in the garden. I had to rake up the grass from the previous mowing to place on the garden. Worked for about an hour.

Took the dog to the trail for the morning walk. She was a good girl and didn’t try to chase a couple of bike riders who came on us unexpectedly. It was cloudy and a little drizzly.

When I got back my wife had worked on some painting in the master bedroom. I took over for her. We are moving right along with priming the walls. It was a humid day today and I hope it drys okay. Lunch was turkey cheeseburgers.

Took the dog for the second walk. It was still drizzly. Dinner was a tuna and pasta salad. I added cherry tomatoes and black olives. We watched some television after that. Anyway, thanks for reading.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores,Gardening,Walking


A pretty moth! Sounds like a busy day for you. Excellent job with your 10460 @actifit steps for the day. Take care!


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