My Actifit Report Card: May 7 2024

in Actifitlast month

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and cheese on rolls. Took the dog for the morning walk. Didn’t see anyone on the trail at first. Then a guy was coming up with another dog and we went to our car faster than normal.

Lunch was spaghetti in red sauce with sliced hot dogs. Did some chores and my wife went to paint the master bedroom as I took the dog for a second walk. A storm must have been on the way because one side of the trail was blue sky and the other way was cloudy.

Dinner was roasted pork with mashed potatoes and cole slaw. We watched some television and at the same time I worked on a new game on Hive that I am playing, Rise of the Pixels. It’s a game of being a game developer to make and sell games. There’s NFTs for the developers, designers and computer accessories and you can earn the token for a successful game. Anyway, thanks for reading.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores,Walking
