Food you should not eat before training. - My Actifit Report Card: May 11 2024

in Actifit20 days ago

Food you should not eat before training.

As we know, dietary fiber is a very important component in a healthy diet, since it helps the proper functioning of our digestive system, controls blood sugar levels and can reduce the risk of heart disease, however, consuming foods rich in fiber just before exercising can cause stomach upset, gas or even cramps.

Whole grain breads and whole grain cereals contain quite high amounts of fiber, so if you are going to eat foods rich in fiber before training, it is advisable to do so at least an hour and a half or more before exercise to give your body time to digest them. and assimilate them.

As always, the idea of ​​these tips is that you pay attention to them and try to see what happens in your body to adjust your diet to your needs and what works best in your case.

Eggs also have many benefits, many very interesting nutritional contributions for our body and this makes them an excellent snack or meal for after running, but not to eat before your training or races and the reason is that eggs are also rich in proteins and healthy fats so they naturally take too long to digest and this is why the idea is that these breakfasts with eggs are not before training, but rather that they wait for you after training.

Before training you can eat something like a pre-breakfast that could be, for example, white bread toast with some peanut butter, a little banana on top or something sweet that gives you a little simple sugars that are easy to digest and quick to digest, and some small contribution of healthy fats such as can be found in peanut butter, peanut paste or also, for example, in spreadable cheeses, just a little bit, just a little bit, because these healthy fats will help you lower the glycemic index of the other ingredients of this preparation such as, for example, white bread and bananas or sweets or jams, a slice of toast prepared like this with some simple infusion such as some coffee, tea; It will help you go out to train on an empty stomach with a little energy so that later when you return you can complete your breakfast right there, for example, with eggs.

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_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Cycling, Home Improvement, Running, Walking
176 cm
69 kg
Body Fat
