Scientific study, benefits of consuming beets. - My Actifit Report Card: May 13 2024

in Actifit18 days ago

Scientific study, benefits of consuming beets.

Beets may improve muscle power in people with heart failure. The results of this study suggest that consuming 70 ml, or about a third of a glass of beet juice per day for a week, may improve exercise tolerance in adults with heart failure.

The researchers observed that aerobic exercise endurance in the patients studied improved on average by 24%, which is quite a considerable number.

Beets can help us maintain a healthy weight. The juice of this vegetable is low in calories and contains practically no fat, so it is a very good option to include in your smoothies or shakes, especially in the morning ones in which you consume during your first meal of the day, this way you They will allow you to start the day with an extra energy boost.

It also has anti-cancer properties and this has to do with the dark red color of beets that comes from betalains, which they contain and are water-soluble antioxidants. In addition, they contain other flavonoids and polyphenolics that can give beets antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Specifically, betalains and other antioxidants they contain can help find and destroy free radicals or unstable molecules in our body that in large quantities can promote inflammation and increase the risk of suffering from some type of Cancer.

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Cycling, Home Improvement, Running, Walking
176 cm
69 kg
Body Fat
