Scientific review, Benefits of eating avocado _ My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2024

in Actifit16 days ago

Scientific review, Benefits of eating avocado.

The first thing to say is that although the consumption of avocados or avocados in some specific cases is not recommended and in most cases a moderate consumption of this fruit can provide several benefits to our body due to its nutritional profile and this It is because avocado provides a total of about 20 different vitamins and minerals, which makes it a true natural multivitamin.

And among these micronutrients that it provides, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron stand out, and pay attention to the latter, potassium. Pay attention to this mineral because there we are going to begin to understand the axis of this publication, something Also very interesting and distinctive characteristic of the avocado is that the Unlike other fruits, it contains less carbohydrates and more healthy fats. Specifically, avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, a type of fat that can help us reduce LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, and inflammation, thus helping us in our health. cardiovascular health.

They are also a good source of omega 3 acids and fiber, which is very beneficial for our intestinal health, for blood sugar control and for satiety, which compensates for their relatively high caloric value and can be used perfectly in diets that seek to control body weight, and also being rich in vitamin C helps us protect our immune system.

Avocados are a fruit low in sodium and high in potassium, which is generally good for our kidney health and this is because a diet low in sodium and rich in potassium helps us reduce blood pressure, a very important factor. in the health of our kidneys, since hypertension is one of the main causes of kidney diseases, in addition and this will surely interest you a lot if you do endurance sports, such as running, medium or long duration races either in street or in the mountains, races of 15 20 km or more, you have to know that the potassium that is very present in this fruit intervenes in our muscle contraction and when this mineral is missing in adequate quantities, muscle cramps usually occur, something that surely more than one who is reading this has ever suffered.

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Cycling, Home Improvement, Running, Walking
176 cm
69 kg
Body Fat
