Scaling Up Infinity Hula Hoop Challenge

in Actifit ā€¢ last month

What goes down, eventually goes back up if not careful šŸ¤£

That's what happens when you feast on a yummy sweet and sour deep fried fish (and many more) after a tiring cleanup during the day.

Thanks to the sister May who sent me the photos

For those who had read my previous horror and liberating post about house cleansing, despite hitting more than 10K steps, eating deep fried food is definitely back to square one.

Especially when I get to dine in with the team at one of the more famous street side restaurants (that I will share in another post later) for some scrumptious meal that would break the calorie scale for the day.

That's why the moment I am back and after a good rest, I will remind myself and give it a go to LEVEL UP my hula hoop challenge after rested for about 2 weeks out of health challenges.

According to some of the YouTube influencers who were overweight and took a challenge to be healthy, they said 30 minutes of this exercise is equivalent to 2 miles powerwalk.

However, I can't just jump from daily 10 minutes workout that results 1000 spins to 30 minutes. So I will just up increase by another 10 minutes that result of an average of 2000 spins a session daily. If I can keep myself active enough in the office and the do 2000 spins consistently I may have a chance to up my game and lose the extra inch from all the festive food and group dining like this one. Haha

Will I be able to make it?

šŸ¤žšŸ¼fingers crossed for me! šŸ¤£
I am already feeling the strain just day 1!

Until Then

Stay healthy, stay curious and learn new things, and stay happy!

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