Cycling tiny planet - MARC #538

in Actifit2 years ago

Very cloudy day but I took the bike and @vesytz new insta360 x3 camera for some testing. I hit the road to Sarafovo and visited the port and the north beach.

Make some earthing walk on the sand and then back home. Another 20km relaxing cycling.

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Nice camera!

Yes, it produces very funny results :) !BEER


Dear @outlinez,
Your support for the current HiveSQL proposal (#138) is much appreciated but the proposal will expire soon!
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal so HiveSQL can stay free to use for the community?
You can support the new proposal (#247) on Peakd, Ecency, /
or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

Ok no problem :)

Thank you for your support @outlinez, really appreciate it! 👍
Without imposing and as we are in a renewal period for proposals, if you could take a look at the HiveBuzz Proposal Renewal as well 😁