An ordinary sunny day

in Actifit2 months ago

I think even the birds on the branch know where I was again today 😂. Guess what it is, and yes college...

Most of the time I get bored in class, but this time miraculously it was very interesting. I had Marketing and English. In Marketing, we did some very good practice where we pretended to be directors and had to negotiate some prices. Since those classes last a long time, this time the time passed quickly because of that exercise.

As you can see in this picture, some parts of the road I take to college are not very nice. When I pass by here, I sometimes get scared, especially when it's dark because it's quite deserted and something could easily happen to me. During the day it's not so scary because there are people passing by, but that's why at night I always turn around to make sure no one is following me 😂.

I didn't walk many steps today because I spent almost the whole day at college and studying, so I didn't have much time to walk around. I guess there will be more steps when it's the weekend.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any ideas about what I could write to you, feel free to tell me. See you in the next post. ☺️
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Daily Activity,Walking
168 kg
54 kg
Body Fat


I'm glad you had an interesting Marketing class! Maybe I'll hire you as a Marketer for my business one day if I get big enough to be able to afford to pay employees! :D

Seriously, I'm sure you will have a great career ahead of you. You're smart and you work hard to achieve your goals. Your future is bright! Just be careful at college and it's smart to always know who might be around you!

Thank you :))
