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RE: Three-Tune Thursday: 44 Years Ago, Yikes!

in Music2 months ago

Very nice tunes, the OMD tune sounds like Enola Gay too, but with different lyrics! I really liked Garbage back in the day, stupid girl was my fav tune. I wasn't really an album type of guy back then either, they were too expensive for a working class lad like me who spent all his wages on drink, drugs and saved money by not answering the door to the tv licensing man.


the OMD tune sounds like Enola Gay too, but with different lyrics!

I loved OMD until after Maid of Orleans and they changed direction to one I wasn't into!

Garbage, the first album, that is great, well most of it. Again I lost interest after Version 2. They lost that hard gritty edge that made them stand out. James Bond does that to a Shirley.

saved money by not answering the door to the tv licensing man.

This stinks of living in the UK?

you are right, it takes a lot to get into Maid of Orleans. I do wonder how they came up with that, after Enola Gay !

Yeah, they were gritty and edgy to start with, it was their main appeal.

I was in the UK back then, living in a council flat. We cant avoid the tv license so easily here in Germany. You have real freedom there! LOL

We cant avoid the tv license so easily here in Germany.

Don't tell me that bullshit is in Germany too? I don't pay it now, as I only watch Netflix.

Ridiculous idea.., run if you see one.., its got alien technology inside brought back from the future.


Good job! I remember they tried make you think they could detect if you had a TV in your house 😅 Love those stuck on plastic things to the van!

Love those stuck on plastic things to the van!

Touch those with your bare hands and you turn to vapour, its that advanced!