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RE: Three-Tune Thursday: 44 Years Ago, Yikes!

in Music2 months ago

As you said

I was never a great fan of “The Jam”, that goes for me too. But, one vinegar song sticks in my mind the most.

I didn't follow Garbage much either, but this song suits me.

OMD was still quite interesting to me, first-rate synth-pop/new wave, I had it on the lager for my #ttt post, but now I'll move it back a bit, for later. 😀
Thanks for sharing! 👍


'That's Entertainment'. I remember it, and it was one of those weird import only singles, meaning if you got it, your copy was French or from some other Euro company. My mind is packed with useless information like this.

Throw away garbage from your mind! 😜