Three Tune Tuesday - A Few Originals

in Music13 days ago

Here are a few synthwave originals I composed for this #threetunetuesday by @ablaze

Here is A Dark Chasm with a sort of 80s vibe and a guy walking through a dark landscape. I figured out a way to generate landscapes in 3ds max and had to test it with light and fog.

Here is an old #straturday jam with a simple setup of guitar rig and some drums. I'm hoping to get back to recording my strat again sometime, for now my toddler loves smashing toys into it while I play lol.

Here is an orchestral synthwave composition about an evil djinn. Just be careful what you wish for, they will always trick you.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Funny know how I'm a really big fan of your music, well next week I have another local lady to feature, then the week after I was planning on doing a ttt of you! 😃


Thanks for lostening :-) I kind of just make whatever comes to mind at the time.

Haaaa you have no need to thank me!

It is I that thanks you for creating such interesting, enchanting and enjoyable melodies.

Which is exactly why HAD planned to feature you for the ttt, in line with my 'keeping it local' perspective!