Three Tune Tuesday - Buyer's Remorse Albums

in Musiclast month

Here are a few songs from albums that I had buyer's remorse from for this #threetunetuesday by @ablaze

For some reason the sound of this album by Nirvana sounded a bit too rough around the edges compared to their other albums. Eventually some of the songs like this one grew on me just because of the drums.

I was super stoked about getting a new Metallica album when I bought St. Anger. But it sounded like they threw their signature sound down a trash can. I barely listened to this album, the live performance dvd that came with it got more plays just for the antics of the band.

I got trolled into buying this album by a coworker who said it was prog rock similar to Dreamtheater. Instant regret when I heard all the synth sounds lol. The airbrushed dragon on the cover should have tipped me off.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Best Three Tune Tuesday ever. Nobody ever talks about the purchases they regret!

Back in the day before it all could be streamed online. Quite a few albums had epic covers that made you want to buy them.

This is rare, cool, but not necessarily the best, lol.

You left last for best, first too angry, second sounds like a child with pots and pans bashing.

Disappointment as I do enjoy my sons Metallica, Nirvana also presented much better sound.

Yeah I have no idea why metallica went with that terrible drum sound, maybe they got sick of doing all the pristine studio sound setup and just recorded everything badly.

Sometimes doing different simply does not take off, crazy as it is it may become a hit...

I think I probably got sucked into that Asia album back in the day too. Supergroup of the moment. Two guys from Yes should have been better than it was lol

The airbrushed dragon on the cover should have tipped me off.


What's green and sits in the corner?
A naughty frog.

Credit: fallingforward
@sketch.and.jam, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of qwerrie

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