Three Tune Tuesday - Sleepy Music

in Music18 days ago

Here are a few sleep inducing songs for #threetunetuesday by @ablaze

Any of the songs by Hammock will knock you out with their slow ambient music.

Tycho is another band that will put you out if you need to sleep. Sometimes it is also good to relax to if you are feeling anxious.

Slowdive is another band that makes lullaby music. They are more in the genre of shoegaze where everything becomes an ambient wash.

That's all for now, time for bed.


Excelelnt. Great choice and very fortutious that I come across your post now as I had a HUGE night out last night at the Melissa Etheridge concert, got home about 2.30, stumbled and fell my way into the #HHHlive ecency discord chat with everyone till about 4am, then @ph1102 put on the fantastic music which woke me up again and all I wanted to do was get up and dance again...

And I've just finished work and my eyeballs are hurting and I really need to go to sleep..

So thanks for introducing me too Hammock!

And goodnight!

Hahahaha... Well, the music that I picked was similar to these ones, but it's true that it wasn't for sleeping... 😂

And just had my dinner break at work dancing to a few of your tunes too! 🤣

Hammock knocks me out everytime. Sounds like the concert was alot of fun. Last concert I went to was Tool.

Yeah I enjoyed them.

I'll pass on Tool though, but I'm sure you would've had a great time at their concert!

My next one was meant to be Boney M in a few weeks but I won't be in town so will have to sell the tix...

I took the red eye back from vacation yesterday.
✔️ Lots of caffiene
✔️ Avoid Hammock, Tycho and Slowdrive today

Haha yeah for sure, too sleepy, might have been good for the red eye.

Nice tunes! I like to call this music "relaxing", but if for some people, it works out as sleeping music, that's fine... 😃

I didn't hear about Hammock, so thanks for sharing!

For a metalhead like me this stuff knocks me out almost instantly.

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