My rules for minimalism

in The MINIMALISTlast month (edited)
The human nature has a tendency to be flamboyant and excessive especially as regards acquisitions and lifestyle however, the limited resources surrounding us influences our disposition as regards usage and management of those aforementioned resources. And since the distribution of these resources remain relatively unfair, a wide disparity between the comfortable and struggling, there is a constant need to apply minimalism to every day living for a convenient and realistic approach to the limited resources. Hopefully this outline and rules can reflect true minimalism


This is difficult in the face of a racing and competitive society. Everyone wants to acquire and show relevance. I used to want many things life offered, you would not blame me for being ambitious yet, a need for constant reminder that, the world was not created for one person and we should strive for moderation within the ambient of availability. Moderate living basically involves setting boundaries to what I want versus what I need. LITTLE OWNERSHIP MAY MEAN MORE. Interestingly, having just enough to live and comfortably may mean saving much more. I had a personal experience when I wanted to buy a car two years ago. I had the option of buying a better can than the current one in own now but, I took a detour and went for something lower yet, more comfortable. I bought 3 plots of land with the remaining and extra funds that I saved up by the choice I made. By last year December when I visited the plots of land, they were worth 3 times the value already. My car however has either had me spending money on fueling or repairs. I wonder how much I would have spent if I went for the higher brand of car.




This is more as regards the people and objects surrounding us. Several people have argued that self care may be selfish. I choose to endorse identifying when external forces like people are overbearing their impacts on us such that, we are constrained in our possessions ot even, happiness. People would always have problems and they would readily bring such to us for solutions. There is a tendency for us to feel obliged to resolve all the problems brought us. In order to breathe a little, I make an analysis of the relationship and urgency of the issue laid before me. Taking a pause before reacting to life has always helped me. Once I am able to identify my position in the equation of relevance, that is when I make my contributions. This is where I determine how much of myself or my possessions I can give as gifts or loans. This could mean giving from a 0% to 100% depending on the factors aforementioned. I can breathe a little and have a better mental state than having many troubles of other people in my head.


I know a friend, Damilare, who smiles often, and I get to wonder why he stays cheerful always. Happiness cannot be bought; rather, it comes from within. I have realized over time that my disposition and approach to things will determine how much appreciation I have for them. I used to practically frown at everything, but staying positive minded has greatly encouraged me and made my face more attractive. I do not need to own the world to give the world a smile.


To prevent intimidation or ambiguous pursuits of expectations and aspirations, I have identified friends with a minimalist approach to life, and this has helped me to spend less than expected. I practically do not have anyone to impress, but myself and my friends do understand this.


Humanity constantly yearns for us to be one another's keepers. There will always be needs from people around us. Sometimes, those in need have nowhere to turn to. I am an advocate of finding the little things to make the world a much better place to live in. Spending time with the bereaved and cheering them up makes their hearts less heavy and more receptive to life. As a medic also, call me any day for medical outreach and I am your right plug. My heart feels blessed to have prolonged other people's lives by my wealth of medicine. And you can bet right, the drugs given would be free. Hopefully, I can engage more in this aspect as resources become more available.

These five above-mentioned rules are my guides to minimalism. I would love to have your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for reading.