in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

As we grow older, many people tend to forget how important it is to set aside time to do what we really enjoy and relax. We are often overwhelmed by our daily tasks and activities, so we consider relaxation or 'me-time' a waste of time.

I am someone who values my personal time or break time. People might have different opinions about creating 'me-time,' but for me, it is an important thing to do. It undoubtedly helps me recharge because I am someone who barely works well under stress.


Some time ago, I was discussing with a friend of mine who I find to be always engaged. I wanted to know how she copes with spending her time on activities here and there. I always consider myself lazy when I compare myself to hers.

So, I decided to hear her point of view. She said there is time for everything and she can't afford to spend her time on relaxation when it won't be adding anything to her goals.

I told her that at least it helps to refresh and gives one good mental health. She laughed and said the time will come when you will relax and have all your 'me-time,' but not when you have not achieved anything; you use this age to hustle and work hard.

I ended up telling her to always take a break so she couldn't feel too exhausted because the 'relax time' people plan for might never come.

Afterward, I decided to try her ways but it didn't quite work well with me. On the first day, I spent my time on activities here and there. Although it was a little overwhelming, I felt accomplished.

On the second day, I could sense myself becoming stressed, but I decided to push through, telling myself, 'I’ll get used to it.' But it wasn’t a good decision for me because it only made me mentally stressed. Besides, it is always worrisome to get up the next day knowing that I have nothing fun planned for myself for the day.

This made me see the importance of 'me-time.' 'Me-time' is important in my daily life. It helps reduce physical and mental stress. It is a time where I appreciate myself after a tedious day or task.

Here is how most of my day goes:

I usually schedule self-care in the morning, be it hair care, nail care, skin care, etc., whenever I am not having morning class or any immediate task.


In the morning, after my devotion and prayer, I love to engage in simple tasks like house chores, and if I don’t have morning classes or tasks that need immediate response, I take my time to care for myself. It is often refreshing and comforting, and I can gladly recommend it to anyone.


After performing some tasks, I usually take breaks. During this time, I do read novels, and I also enjoy eating alongside. Reading novels allows me to escape stress and takes me to a different perspective. The calmness I feel from reading helps my mental stability.

As I said, I enjoy eating alongside reading. Satisfying my stomach and cravings is one of the feelings I enjoy so much. It fills me up and gives me strength. It is also an act of appreciation and relaxation, be it snacks or a meal.


In the evening, depending on my mood, I might choose to take a walk or listen to music while I reflect. Taking a walk is quite therapeutic and also helps to just stretch out the muscles and enjoy the cool breeze.

I am someone who loves to reflect; to me, it is an act of self-love. I usually take time to reflect on my actions and my life in general, to journal and appreciate as well scold myself, and also to be grateful. It is a 'me-time' activity that I cannot fail to do.


Also, I do spend time watching movies or anime, especially when I am done with all my tasks. I am currently watching "One Piece," an adventurous and comedic anime, and a great choice to relax and enjoy yourself.


These are the basic things I do. These activities are very enjoyable and refreshing, a great way to have 'me-time.' It is quite important to give yourself a break.

All images are mine. Thumbnail designed using canva



What works for our friends may not work for us. I think everyone has their own rhythm; a friend once told me I should exercise in the late afternoon; I tried it for a couple of weeks and felt miserable. Everything went out of control in my life, and I quit exercising for a little more than a year. Not good. Me-time is supposed to feel good and somehow right.

Hope you're enjoying One Piece 😁
