The beauty of the water jasmine flower

Hey all nest friends, I hope today is better of course than the previous day and success is always for all of us dear ones who are here and today I will entertain all my friends with some beautiful pictures of water jasmine flowers that I took a few days ago Then.

Water jasmine or also known as water jasmine is a beautiful and fragrant plant originating from Southeast Asia. Its scientific name is Wrightia religiosa, and it belongs to the Apocynaceae family. This plant is often found growing along the banks of rivers, streams and ponds, which is why it is called water jasmine.

Water jasmine is famous for its soft white flowers which emit a sweet and intoxicating fragrance, especially in the morning and evening. The flowers are small, with five petals arranged in a star shape. They bloom in clusters and have a waxy texture, adding to their appeal.
Apart from its beautiful appeal, water jasmine flowers are also highly valued for their medicinal properties. In traditional medicine, this plant is used to treat various diseases, such as asthma, coughs and skin disorders. The leaves and flowers are often crushed and applied topically to soothe skin irritation and reduce inflammation.

That's just a little review about the beauty and uses of water jasmine flowers that I have discussed above, I hope it's useful and thank you for visiting my post this time. Note all my writings that are above, I originally wrote them in Indonesian, then I used Google translate to translate them. into English.