Beautiful Portraits under a pink Apamate Tree

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Hello beautiful community of Photography Lovers, I hope you have an excellent day, my best wishes to all of you!

I'm back with a new spontaneous photoshoot I did for my photography project where I approach strangers and ask if I can take a couple of portrait shots of them.

This time I approached a very pretty girl I found in the park. I saw that she was taking pictures with her mom, so I decided to approach her and ask if she would like to participate in the project, and she said yes but that I should also take some pictures of the two of them together.

Right behind where they were standing was a beautiful apamate tree with its pink flowers. It was the perfect setting because the pink flowers made a very nice color contrast with the girl's blue clothes.

First I took some pictures of her from a distance where you could see her whole body and also the apamate tree:

The girl liked the pictures and gave the green light to start taking more pictures, this time without the glasses.

The girl was super cute and photogenic, she looked good in all the pictures and when she saw how well they were turning out she got very excited and wanted me to take more pictures of her, so I wanted to do a close-up:

Right next to the apamate tree there was a very large rock. I asked the girl to sit there to vary the poses and get a different result.

After taking those pictures she said: "Oh but we haven't taken a picture with my favorite pose!" and she stood up and did this pose!!

And to finish off, I took a picture of her with her mother, who is also a very beautiful woman!

So far, I have been surprised at how this photography project has made me connect with very interesting people and has helped me practice and make myself known as a photographer.

I have met so many different people from all walks of life, and I have learned so much from each of them. I have also been able to improve my photography skills a lot, and I am now more confident in my ability to take great pictures.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to connect with people and share my passion for photography. I am excited to see what the future holds for this project.


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I think her blue clothes, with the blonde hair and dark eyes, combined with the beauty of the pink flower petals is a fantastic combo. You couldn't have planned a better shoot. Each shot has great quality as well. VERY well done Malos!

is a fantastic combo.

it is trully a fantastic combination of colors!!

the best part of everything is that it wasnt even planned, everything "clicked" that day to be able to find that stranger girl in the park and make this spontaneous photo shoot a reality, this has been my favorite so far!

Definitely one of my favorites of your shoots so far!

She is indeed a beautiful girl, I like her without the glasses. I do say though people should learn modesty again. The poses showing her ass, while it is indeed in great shape, shouldn’t be a default. Too much vanity!

Great pictures with the tree though man!

That's really common in this part of the world, they know what they have and like to show off

Beautiful photography friend.

Thanks you really much!