Professional's Husky dog photography

in Photography Lovers28 days ago

Greetings to all my friends in the Photography Lovers community, I hope you are having a great day, my best wishes to everyone!

Two days ago I took my first professional dog photographs, in this case the breed of the dog was a beautiful Husky, the client showed me the references of the photos that are used for dog competitions and I got to work to achieve a very beautiful and professional result.

The truth is that these photos were very different from the ones I usually take spontaneously, because in this photos the dog's pose and also its fur are very important, everything adds up to give an excellent impression and win contests!

This beautiful Husky dog was trained to hold the pose while the judge observes her or in this case, while I took the photo, she is literally a Husky trained to be a model!

All the photos were very well planned, from the Husky's pose to the angle of the photograph.

And at the end I took some photos with her owners:

We were super happy with the results of this photo session and I gained a lot of experience to continue taking this type of professional pet photos.

I hope you liked them as much as we did!

Thank you for watching!



This dog's color is quite good and he has clean fur.

That dog is well cared to be a contest dog

Yes friend. Indeed he is very good.