Friends let join hand together to wish my beautiful friend a happy birthday

Firstly, i really thank the Almighty God for keeping me , my friends and everyone here to see this beautiful day. He is an able God and He has done so much in our life.

Today i am celebrating this beautiful friend of mine on this special day of her. Is not easy to celebrate birthday in good health but God make it possible for my friend.

We have been friend since our university years. She was my reading partner, my companion and many others so today is her special day and I am celebrating her today.

Some of her age mate are no more, some are in the hospital and so are in mortuary but here she his today nothing happen.

She haven to see the very date she was born to this world. It is always nice to celebrate our birthdays because it is always a thing of joy to witness our birthday.

Today i choose to share so of her beautiful pictures of her on this special day i and want you all to celebrate her because she deserve it.

I wishing for you today is long life and prosperity.
Who ever plan evil against you, may the evil return back to him or him, who ever said you will not succeed in this life,may it not work . Who ever wish you dead my the person die why you still live. Amen

You shall live to witness more 200 years of you birthday in Jesus name amen. I cares for you my friend.
Friends help me wish her will. Thanks so much everyone.