Oh but... Caleta Buena ¡qué buena es!

in Photography Loverslast month (edited)


This morning, while I slowly opened my eyes, I could hear the sea lapping softly on the rocks as if it were the soundtrack of my mind. Awww, what a delight!


Then it took me a while to get out of bed and I half fell asleep thinking... was it my mobile phone alarm? No, I don't think so. The alarm is a rain alarm, not a sea alarm. I think I was dreaming anyway.


I was smiling and it was as if I was myself out of my body. I saw myself accompanied by that girl who was near me all the time yesterday in Caleta Buena. Her sunscreen smelled of citrus.


Mmmm... another delight. I settled in between my pillows, which gave off the same scent as the sunscreen, and relived the embrace of water and foam about ten times over.


Then it was that I opened my eyes fully and could see that my arms and legs did indeed have a nice tan.

I breathed heavily, stretched, and also shrieked: oh but it's all so good!


My mother was in the kitchen brewing coffee and my dad still seemed to be dreaming of sun loungers and vodka and orange juice from Caleta Buena, because he was still in bed.


I can't tell you too much today, but I promise I will. I will tell every detail of this excursion because it is like that film that we like to revisit and every time we do so we discover sensations and messages that we had overlooked.


Nature has the most beautiful ways of telling and pleasing.


For the moment, here I share with you some pictures of this tourist destination located about 8 km from Playa Giron, on the Zapata Peninsula.

Screenshot of the route in the Relive App.

We are still processing the beautiful experience.


My parents will return to Candelaria in a few hours and we are making the most of the time together.


Bonus Picture

(Thanks @mamani for taking pictures of me 😅... )


Oh, I almost forgot. For those who perhaps didn't understand the title of this post, because I wrote one part of it in Spanish, Caleta Buena, ¡qué buena es! it's Caleta Buena, how good it is!


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


The images speak for themselves. How beautiful is that place. What I loved the most was the crystal waters and so blue, and also you big smile speaks about your happiness in that place. We can always go back to these places by looking at the photos we took, your mom is the best 🤗📷

Yes, Mamani is the best. And I was so happy yesterday and a big part of my happiness was to see her having such a good time.

Thank you, friend. Hope you are well.

I was in one of your pictures! I didn't know I was so far away... or close... the crab is my sign!

Seriously though, what a beautiful place, I love the water and the reflection of everything, it's ideal!

Oh, beautiful little crab. Hahahahaha... several times you crossed my path.


I'm like the shadow, I'm everywhere.🤣

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Yujuuuuuu... thanks!

Kind of envy you for that place right now. Lovely colors, especially the water :) It's still spring in my country and we had a good few cold days, with rain as well.

It is a paradisiacal place and I promised to return. I hope the weather improves there. We don't know what winter is here anymore.


Trust me, we're on the way of forgetting what winter is too. Most of the times it feels like a cold spring, except for maybe 2 weeks 😞

That's why I mentioned winter, because that cold spring of yours would be our cruellest winter, perhaps.
Here I haven't even got my coats out this year.

My cold spring your cruelest winter? 😂😂😂 I can imagine you shivering 😆

Brrrr! 🥶

Oh come on, -20°C is not that cold 😂

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Oh, how good it is, it fits the title like a glove hehe

Swimming in those crystal clear waters, a natural swimming pool, even Buhito would be a little bit naughty 🦉 He can't swim, but here goes...

The truth is it makes you want to stay there for several days. Buhito can do like the swallow in the picture, who flew over the water to wet its little wings.


Qué belleza Nani!! Es como para soñar unos cuantos días!! Veremos a donde nos llevas en el mes de mayo.

😅🙃 creo que así sigo, soñando.

Aún no lo sé.


I also strongly think that your day was more like a film which you want to rewind and believe me these pictures are cinematic and beautiful 🤩❤️. What other word will describe these pictures which are beautifully captured by you, showing the beauty of water and encoding your day life !

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Taha, you're so kind and always say such nice things to me. Thanks, buddy. And thanks for the support too. 🙏

Que bonitas fotos de Caleta Buena , estuve por allá celebrando uno de mis cumpleaños, es un lugar lleno de naturaleza, las aguas tan cristalinas y frías, como dices Caleta Buena es muy buena 😅

Pues quedé enamorada de ese lugar y me faltaron cosas por hacer. Por eso tengo que regresar. ¡Deberíamos preparar una excursión para los cuhivers!

Sería bueno , es un lindo lugar 👍🏽👍🏽❤️

I liked the end of the excursion, with that marine soundtrack. I hope you will tell us soon what you haven't told us yet (and more photos please). Best regards

I think you will like everything I have to tell you about this trip.


Claro, claro... Tengo muchas más. Aunque siento que no hice tantas como hubiese querido... Porque estaba respirando todo ese mar y la maravilla alrededor de él.

Estoy seguro de que nos gustará todo lo que queda por contar, sobre las fotos: respiraste e hiciste pocas, comprensible. Un abrazo muy grande @nanixxx


Que tengas un lindo día y muy provechoso en todos los aspectos.

Muchas gracias, lo mismo te deseo 🫂

Caleta buena es una maravilla! Tengo fotos de mi hija y yo nadando entre muchos peces en el pequeño cenote que hay al final. 💙

😇 Qué genial lugar este. Me gustaría volver para pasar dos o tres días por allá. Hay un campismo cerca.

Imagino que esas fotos tuyas están espectaculares. 🙌

As they say that life is more joyful at sea.

Jajaja... en el mar la vida es más sabrosa! Yes, they are absolutely right. 😄

Que delicia nani 😍 Esa agua se ve especial para estar ahí todo el día, yo me achicharro pero no salgo jjjj Una vez fui a Playa Giron pero no la recuerdo así tan bonita. Ay quiero irme otra vez 😅💙

Pues... ¿qué te detiene? Si eres una súper viajera. 🤗😅

Enjoy every moment with your parents and in that beautiful place if you are still there!! How beautiful it is!

Mentally we are still there. 😅

My parents left for their home a little while ago and I'm here with Chanel and Yin, ready to... keep dreaming of Caleta Buena.


Mentally we are still there.

That also counts 😉

Es una golondrina en una de las fotos?

Sí. 😄 ¡Viste qué chula! Tengo que contar todo en detalle, acerca de esta excursión. Sentí como si estuviera en un paraíso. Todo es tan armonioso allí...

Sí, así se ve, como un paraíso 💫

¿Le diste zoom a la siguiente foto? ¿Te fijaste en el agua?


Solo voy a decir: ¡¡¡ Que riquera !!!!


Es verdad que el viaje es largo, pero una vez allí, nada es más importante que disfrutar cada segundo como si fuera el último.

Very beautiful indeed!

And it looks like Greece too :)

I can send you a picture of me swimming if you send me one of you afterwards. LOL.

Valió la pena el largo viaje.
Aunque la naturaleza puso lo suyo, las fotos por sí mismas son espectaculares.

Gracias por compartirlas. 👍

Leopard0, hace 20 días usted trajo su mirada felina a Hive y no le había dado la bienvenida. Pero dicen que mejor tarde... Así que ¡Enhorabuena! Acá estaremos esperando su contribución y sus letras, inmediatamente después de que su esposa, quien es su fan y la primera en leerle, dé el visto bueno 😅.

Me agrada que ahora haya venido a visitar este paradisiaco lugar a través de mis ojos. Si no ha estado por allá, se lo recomiendo al 100%.

Gracias a usted por su tiempo. 😉

Esos lugares de arrecifes y mar suelen ser preciosos en nuestro mar Caribe.... que bonita experiencia familiar. Gracias por compartir!

Divina experiencia que repetiré seguramente en un futuro no muy lejano.

Gracias Pinero.

How beautiful that crystal clear water, it makes you want to stay and live there haha. Very beautiful landscape, I loved it.

Crystal clear waters and lots of fish swimming around. Very beautiful. And the people there are super friendly. 😇

I am so jealous of this and you right now!

😂 Jealousy is not good. Haha... Wait until next month to see where I'm going.

haha you are evil , I can see that glint in your laughing eyes right now!

Are you a mind reader? 😁

Oh, no, I'm not evil. Quite the opposite.

I hope you are well and happy.

Hehe I am teasing you.
But you are far from evil I know that. All good here and hoping we get at least one day of summer this year jeje!
Enjoy your night ... mi cama está llamando a mi nombre

Rest well. It's barely 8 pm here. And I'm going to make some comments and read a book that is calling my name, until I fall asleep. Tomorrow I have to work very early in the morning.
