Taveta Golden Weaver Shot's #214

"Taveta Golden Weaver"

Shot by Shoemanchu

Date 3-14-24

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Good morning Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all today are these new shot's of a new species, the Taveta Golden Weaver that I captured at the Zoo a few weeks back. What I have here four shots here today and I will have another post on these birds down in the future but for now here are some of them just hanging around, literally. These birds right here are really good weavers, when they make their nests, its nothing short of amazing how they weave a ball with a hole using their beaks. Pretty cool to just sit and watch these things in action, and let me tell you they are very active all day. These birds are located in swampy lowlands and bushes in Kenya and Tanzania, so to get these little guys at the Zoo was pretty nice. Now lets get into these shots, the cover the first one above it one of my favorites and if you look close you can see some weaving material by his feet. The next shot below is one not hanging and the only one perched on this post but I just wanted to give you a good look at how amazing the back wings are, seeing this is my first time capture of this bird.


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This shot here I almost had as the cover shot and another great one here. Probably should be the cover but all good as long as I have the shots it really doesn't matter I suppose. Okay the more I look at it this shot is now the cover, so below was and we just reversed them, so below is the talk above and this writing here is for the cover now, Haha.

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This shot right here was another good one and to get two for the price of one shot is pretty nice, especially because they both have some focus on them. I wont change it but this actually could be the cover shot too but I will leave it for this round and stay tuned because I will have more shots of these for sure. I also have trip two to the Zoo, so maybe three or four posts on these but who knows what I have on that trip but I do have more edited already form the first trip. Hope you all enjoy these ones and I am grateful for each and everyone of you stopping by my blog and post today. Let's keep them cameras going, them shots clicking and do what we love. Thank you to all and have a blessed one to you and yours.


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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.
