Faces of the Covid-19. Years 2020-21 (series of images)

Good evening - Добрый вечер - ערב טוב - Buenas noches - Добрий вечір !!!

Emotionless faces, masks, keeping distance, fearful attitude towards those breaking the "law", dictation on TV and radio of erroneous biological knowledge, hunting on the witches, endless conspiracy theories, Intimidation, intimidation, and some more intimidation. Social tagging and population division on clean and unclean with Green IDs.
These years will remain the blackest in my memory.

Check my latest video clip (slide show) with the content of the ZINE is available online :

For my recent photo zine I used Blurb[.]com on-demand printing services and the book-sharing site for this action. $15 is the magazine price before shipping.

Quarantine in the village
Quarantine in ...
apocalypse now and...
By Victor Bezrukov
Photo book

Impressive documental shots @victorbz friend, very eloquent...

!discovery 38

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@jlinaresp ha enviado VSC a @victorbz

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@victorbz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (4/5)

thank you my friend !

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Beautifully captured!
Dark times that left dark spots on many hearts...

good said.
thank you for taking a look !


thank you bro !

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