Curiosities of Instruments, the guitar, and Fan Art Rising Star.

in Rising Star Game16 days ago

Greetings to all dear friends of Rising Star, today I am very happy to be here to share with you a new post. Today I'm going to tell you some interesting and funny curiosities about the guitar, a very well known instrument in the world of music. But that's not all in the second half of the post, I will present you some fan art related to our beloved game, Rising Star. I hope you like it, so let's get started.


Source: Canva

When are the oldest guitars from?: When we think of old guitars, many remember the iconic Fender or Gibson from the 50s, a time when rock n' roll reigned. However, the history of the guitar goes back much further. The first known guitars appeared in 1590.

Do all guitars have 6 strings? Although 6-string guitars are the most common, there are varieties with 7, 8 and even 12 strings. 7- and 8-string guitars are often used in metal genres that require very low tones, such as metalcore and deathcore. On the other hand, 12-string guitars, which use double strings to create a chorus effect, are ideal for pop and ballads.

How were the first guitar strings made?: In the early days of the guitar, the strings were made from animal guts, can you believe it? The truth is, it is a method that lasted for centuries. It wasn't until the mid-20th century that a significant change occurred with the invention of nylon strings, thanks to advancements. This innovation allowed the creation of metal and nylon ropes, eliminating the need for animal materials.

What was the first electric guitar?: The first electric guitar was created by Adolph Rickenbacher and George Beauchamp in 1931. This innovative guitar, known as the Electric Hawaiian Guitar Rickenbacker A22, was made from a single piece of solid aluminum and earned the nickname "the frying pan." Jazz guitarists were the first to adopt these electric guitars to be heard over wind instruments.

Why are antique guitars more valued?: Antique guitars are highly valued due to the quality of the wood used in their manufacture. The wood of yesteryear contained a lot of cellulose, which over time crystallizes, improving the resonance of the instrument. In addition, many of these guitars were made with wood from now endangered trees, making them even more precious.

Rising Star Fan Art

As promised friends, I now present to you My #50 post about some of the fan art I have made with the help of DALL-E, inspired by our beloved game, Rising Star. In this particular post I have again used the theme of the cards along with several elements from the game. For example I have added the star as it could not be otherwise, some instruments and singers to give more personality to the images. Some of the images also have futuristic and retro touches. I have also added some scenarios and concerts.

I hope you like them. See you in a new opportunity.

The images are free to use and you can use them and take them out of this publication without any problem. I reiterate that they were made by me with the help of Dall-E.










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