Suit-hunting adventure, with a little helper!

Hey there, dear reader!

Welcome to this mini-tutorial on how to spend a few hours of your life, ie. how the precious time we have for ourselves and our loved ones and activities we would like to do simply goes to ... shopping.

Well yes, as simple as that. I know that many readers would enjoy this activity because during shopping time we are surrounded by many beautiful clothes, shoes, and fragrances that come from perfumeries, you see the perfect decoration for your home - if you have one, you try on dresses, and you see yourself in many mirrors that are everywhere in stores. I don't think I have met myself as many times in the last month as I did today in these few hours we spent in the shopping centre...

Also, I have realized that I am a bit lost. I don't see myself in the garments that are offered for young girls... they are too... not my style right now. And no, I think I don't fit the style of too serious lady clothes either. I am in between everything. I didn't even want to buy myself a shirt or a dress but if I wanted to I would not be able to choose anything that looked good on me...


This is not a complaint. Really, it is not. (my yesterday maybe would be, but let's skip that day 😇)

As I said, this is just a mini tutorial that is easy to follow and if you like it, then you can also want to experience the magic of it.

If not, then you know what not to do.

Let's start.

As the first and starting point of this activity, you must have a son who will have his high school graduation party next month. Not one, but two, because he attends two schools. So, we need two outfits.


After searching in a few shops we finally found one pair of black classic pants that is of a good size too (my son is thin and tall so it is not that easy to find). At this point, we still didn't find a suit that would fit him or my wallet. The second hour of the suit-hunting adventure passed and we bought one nice shirt. The search continued, we still needed a whole suit, or at least just a suit jacket that would perfectly match the trousers and shirt we already bought.

ZARA was the answer, but we liked both the trousers and the suit jacket. And shirts... Somehow we made it to buy the adequate suit by parts - combining different sizes of trousers and the suit jacket as he needed different sizes of those garments. The issue that emerged was that the jacket had an imperfection - a stain that was probably made while the fabric was ironed. We asked for a different one, which arrived from the storage after just a few minutes. It was a happy moment until we spotted a similar stain at another place. Then we asked for the third one... and the same story... that one also had a similar imperfection.


Long story short - we ordered online the missing but most important part of the suit which will arrive in a few days, though I paid for everything there in the shop. The first step of the tutorial finishes here.

Let's see what would be the second requirement for this shopping activity...

You see it him here in this photo.

Please raise your hand if you recognize this little, cute creature:


Prince Hefromund XVI, aka Ph16 visiting a shopping mall

He slept for a very long time in a tiny home he got, but today he went to explore with us. He went to all the shops we visited and met the gaze of some ladies who probably thought odd things about me, carrying a small hefrom in my hands and placing him in visible places.

{Did you see him in my first photo too?😁}


He posed by the cup of coffee too. I arrived at this place exhausted, after the issues we had with the suit jacket.


Actually, I said to my husband to meet in the coffee shop. He went there, ordered the sweet treats and sent me this photo as a teaser. 🤤


The second requirement was not that bad, right? The third step in this "how to lose a few hours of your Saturday" lesson is to try to find some additional material and tools for your hobby. For the rock painting thingies... a few days ago @mdrguez recommended me a varnish that I could use for my rocks. I found and bought this one, and already tried it at home on one of the decorated rocks.

It will work well, although I also painted (accidentally) one of my nails with this varnish. Now it is shining but I have to go to a piano concert very soon so no time to remove it. 😂



So, what do you think? How did this tutorial go...? Do you see a shopping activity as a nice time or just a necessary evil? Although I hope to take out Prince Hefromund more times, I also hope not having the need to go back to a shopping mall for some months...



Definitivamente un mal...y no tan necesario 🤣.

Prince Hefromund XVI, since I haven't seen him!! I'm glad he's well and out...even if it's shopping. I can imagine the looks on people's faces 🙄😜😂.

At least you found 2 pieces of your son's clothes, the jacket is coming...hopefully without stains 🤭. Una nueva etapa comienza, felicidades.

I think it's the same for me as for you, I'm in the middle...I definitely wouldn't wear those clothes you show in the picture and I don't think I'd wear the lady's clothes either 😆. We have to use what we bought when we were younger and it still fits us well 🤣.

Encontraste el barniz!! Espero que haya cumplido tus expectativas. Feliz finde para los 3...bueno, para los 4 XD

No tan necesario, verdad, pero cuando el hijo necesita un traje nuevo para la graduación, entonces hay que sacrificar el tiempo y los nervios jajaja

Las miradas hablaban algo como: ¿qué demonios está haciendo esta mujer? ¿qué es esa cosa tan rara? 😁

Sí, encontré el barniz, y lo probé ya. Gracias! Es un paso más pero seguro que valdrá la pena añadir el barniz también.

Feliz finde igualmente a vosotros 😉

Claro, esta vez era necesario, pasar por esos momentos de...búsqueda jajaja.

Si hubiese sido en Cuba, quizás alguien te hubiera preguntado qué estabas haciendo o qué era esa cosa pequeña rara 🤣.

The graduate will be handsome with any rag he puts on, he has a good hanger! If you don't mind, I choose to be the husband sitter again. 🤣 I HATE to go shopping.

Hahaha, you were the best husband-sitter ever 😉
But the question is - who will do the shopping then? 😂

Gracias Paloma, of course, he will be handsome in whatever he wears in the end 😇

But the question is - who will do the shopping then? 😂

I think Ph16 would be happy doing it. I see him smiling in your photos! 😁

he is such a good and well-behaving hefrom 😇

I have a similar problem when it comes to clothes, it's hard for me to find my style, neither very elegant nor the clothes they sell for young people today. I'm in the middle!

I am very happy to see the prince! And that he accompanied you. I want the candy, it looks delicious!

I was going to tell you that in order for the rock painting to last, if it's not oil, the varnish is important so that the paint will never fade. Great you'll find it!❤️

I am ok with the clothes I wear but then I think people already get bored seeing me almost always in the same 😂 if I would not have other garments. Well, some are getting small I think 🤐 hahaha

I am glad you guys remember the prince, he was a bit absent lately.

Yes, the varnish is probably important, to protect the paint so I guess I will get used to applying it as the top coat 🎨

How not to remember the prince... I thought he was asleep in a long, deep sleep, it's great I went with you.

The varnish will do a great job, you can apply one coat or two. The second coat will give it more shine.😉

I don't like shopping. My husband brought me to went shopping in Paris, I cried as I had difficulty choosing clothes and I found the clothes very expensive. Other girls find it glamorous to do shopping in Paris but not me.

Yes, that is another issue, it is quite expensive everything, and especially lately. And it is too hectic. Sometimes I think it would be cool to have just one shop and all we need in it, so the shopping would be much quicker and less stressful 😁 (also less pleasure and possibilities to choose but to find a balance somehow ;) )

My husband does the shopping for kids' clothes as he has some tastes as a Parisian guy ala mode XD and he is my fashion shopping critic as I am really bad at choosing some clothes for myself.

Good to have a husband who would do the shopping 👏

Yeah, his money, he does the shopping. it irks me to go shopping when it's not my money. XD

A necessary evil? Never... This post made me relive the beautiful moments where my mom went with me to compare my new clothes, in fact, I think the last time she bought me something where she helped me choose was also for my computer technician graduation, a shirt that was too big for me when I lost weight and now it fits me again hahaha, but it's more than 10 years old and looks great, on the other hand the clothes I buy myself don't usually last that long, so moms have a good eye for clothes. How lucky that your son got to wear two outfits for the first time ❤️ I didn't know PH16 hahahaha, it's so cute! Wow I missed a lot of stories from so much work, but it's good to see him here walking and shopping with you guys. Siempre es un placer leerte amiga 🙏

Hahah, Ph16 is a little clay figurine made and painted in Krakow, Poland by another Hiver who invented them. I adopted him last October when we went there to meet other Hivers. He was coming a few times to my posts, well, I was bringing his adventures in his new country, but then he went on a longer winter sleep, it seems hahaha. Today I woke him up and as you see, he went to a shopping mall with us so yes, my son got some clothes checked by a mother's eye ;) Good that the shirt you bought with your mom is now good 😇

I love that it's called PH as well hahaha.... Hey, isn't it midnight over there? You definitely don't sleep 🤣

Hey, isn't it midnight over there? You definitely don't sleep 🤣

Not just midnight, but it is 01:15 am and I have to wake up early tomorrow morning - having my regular Sunday morning work 🎶 😵

(we have been at a concert so everything goes with a delay now hahaha)

so, I better go and sleep 😉


P.S. I am glad you met Ph16 :D


Luckily, I went to sleep BEFORE I saw this.... this... don't know how to call it hahah 🤣

But will call @fernanblog to suffer together with me haha

Jajajaja, que buena idea 🥰

Jajajajaja Fuck&%$ mono noooooooo 😁❤️

Hi @mipiano your son is going to look very stylish, I know. I used to love shopping but I worked 24 years in a store and now I go very little.
Good for your husband for treating you to that delicious coffee and candy. A different and profitable day. Happy Sunday.❤️❤️❤️🥰

I would also like shopping if it would be a bit less hectic experience... There are too many offers and in the end, you don't find anything good even after some hours 😅
Thank you, my son is happy with the new clothes, the suit jacket should also arrive in a few days so it will be mission completed!

Una simpatica y divertida publicacion. Yo salgo con mi esposa y mi hija, son mas de 8 horas en un centro comercial, a veces las acompaño a hacer las compras, otras me desespero un poco y mejor voy al cine del centro comercial mientras ellas compran. Mi hija esta proxima a graduarse en la Universidad y creo que ella y mi esposa pasaran por algo similar a lo que cuentas @mipiano. Un gran saludo desde Venezuela.

Ocho horas... yo también iría al cine entonces 😁

Sí, estas fechas y las graduaciones ahora nos obligan de una forma hacer esta búsqueda de trajes y vestidos. Gracias, y un saludo igualmente

{Did you see him in my first photo too?😁}

Claro! antes de que lo mencionaras

Las compras son odiosas pero en este caso son cositas bonitas para mipianito que debe verse mangón con ese traje.

(y bueno lo otro 🤤) - apoyo mucho esta parte del mini-tutorial. Aunque yo no debo comer tantos dulces, aunque sea verlos es bueno para mí.

Saludos para todos y especialmente para Hefromund.

El príncipe Hefromund así de pequeño y estaba allí posando en las tiendas... pero su sacrificio de pasar horas en el centro comercial está justificado, por el traje Mipianito. Dice que gracias por los saludos 😇 y que le tengo que sacar del monedero donde duerme more often 😉

There are professional sleepers (tú lo estarás entrenando para eso). I found out the other day... although I already knew it internally.

As my friends say: "Shopping is a >>Necessary evil<< especially when you follow a woman who chooses her own wardrobe".

Sometimes I screw up, so I go as an escort, but even then I don't regret the time spent, because every time I accompany someone who is choosing their wardrobe, I always casually look at what have on offer... And I often end up buying something I didn't plan for.
And that's how I fill my wardrobe 🙂 And then when I need something, I don't run around the shops, I just open the wardrobe and take what I need 🙂

Then you are doing it in a smart way, do shopping even without thinking about it and being stressed about it haha, and later you already have what you need! Not a bad technique 😉

Your son's graduation clothes shopping would have been so stressful if you had not gotten what you needed. The animal looks so cool and lovely. What a long day you had!

It was already stressful, but yes, at least we got something. The missing parts will arrive too 😇

Yeah, that's the joy that commemorate your stress

hahaha you need two sons to dress up..That makes it a bit challenging already!

But I get what you are saying. With my age I am still a bit in 'urban' clothes in general but it should also not look too much like 'I really want to stay very young'

So uhhh..not easy!

I guess it is just the place where we can buy the clothes that we connect with... so, not in the shopping centre right now. Lately, I like to wear a baggy sweater and loose pants or just the most normal and common jeans. So, not much to vary hahaha

I could spot your shopping activities all through
I love that little cute creature

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I myself find it very difficult to select things when I go shopping with friends because either I don't like anything or there are too many things I like and so when I get tired. So, tea or coffee must be drunk on the way back.