Don't make plans...

There are days when everything we planned or projected doesn't go according to plan... Well, at least not everything.

Well, today your friend here, you can call me Gnu (Dispicable Me Reference), had all his plans foiled.

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Yesterday, I was at the club to which I belong on the board of directors, to prepare yet another quote for a removal company to take the material from the old headquarters to our new headquarters. I made an appointment with the estimator for 10am at the old clubhouse. Everything went well and we received the quote by email a few hours later. Very professional, and with a quote of around 800 euros, it doesn't seem bad at all, given that the old building doesn't have a lift... Everything will have to be done by hand on all three floors!

And I know how much that costs, as we've already had to move some fragile pieces from one place to another.

Well, that was my day yesterday... or rather, the morning of my day yesterday, which, as you can see, didn't allow me to go to the gym!

Yesterday, when I got home to collect my lunch for work, I found my neighbour's keys in his mailbox (which was open)... sinister. But as the gentleman is already a senior citizen (he's over 80) and undergoes haemodialysis treatments three times a week... I was alarmed. Then I realised that he wasn't at home and had probably gone to the centre for his treatment. I rang him several times and couldn't get through. I decided to put the keys in the electricity meter compartment (which is inside the stairwell). In the middle of the afternoon, when he finally got through to me, I told him what had happened, and he understood and thanked me.

While I was at work yesterday afternoon, a neighbour called to say that the man was outside our building, lying on the ground!!!

Oh dear... it seems that someone was having a frankly worse day than me. After a while, our neighbour persuaded him to go to hospital to be examined.

At the end of my shift, I got home, had dinner... and sat down at the computer for a while, just to catch up. I ended up getting ready for bed just after midnight... when suddenly.... SOMEONE RINGS MY DOORBELL INCESSANTLY!

I went to look in the peephole, and everything was dark.... who it could be at that time???? It's very rare for anyone to ring my doorbell, let alone after 6pm... I went to see who it was... and guess what... it was my neighbour (the one who had gone to hospital because he felt ill after returning from treatment).... And he said he couldn't get into the building because he wasn't the one with the keys...

So I called our neighbour who'd been looking after him that afternoon, who told me that she'd given him the keys and that he'd put them in his coat pocket. It seems that the gentleman must really have lost consciousness, and didn't remember anything. But the important thing is that he was better, and that he "decided" to come home and be discharged, even though he was medically contraindicated, you see!

At the end of this whole episode, I go to check my cell phone and get a message from another member of my club's management asking if I had the morning off today, because he needed help fixing some curtains in the new headquarters.... that is: This morning, I also ended up not going to the gym, so my morning was “spoiled” doing “forced” work for the club.

This afternoon I started my shift with a lot of exams booked, more than usual, because being Friday, and having one of my colleagues away for training, it always ends up with more work for me, of course.... Around 9pm, just before I started to think about packing up to go and rest after a long day... here comes a request for an urgent examination, a CT scan of the head, for a yorkshire weighing just over 5 kilograms who had been bitten on the head by a dog weighing over 40 kilograms!

Summary of my evening today... It's now almost 10.30pm and I'm still at work...


I hope to see you back here tomorrow, but in a better mood!

Bem Hajam 🍀



 15 days ago  

Sometimes the only thing that’s guaranteed is that something goes wrong. Sounds like you adapted to it well enough at least!

Ahahahah seems Mr. Murphy payed you a visit... :P Hang in there and have a !BEER

Completely, @pardinus! And in the weekend... more "episodes" are coming :\
Just having a good glass of wine in the end of each day will help to cop with it!

One...or several 😉🤣🤣🤣

Hey @xrayman, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

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