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RE: Ex CDC Boss States Fauci Funded Creation of COVID Virus & Covered It Up. What's Being Missed?

in COVID-19last year (edited)

Trump was what I'd call a distancer. He was/or has been distanced from everyone involved though he was directly involved, even more so than the others because he was at the helm upon it's release, that was no mistake and was done by design. Most people won't get the psychology behind that thought unless they are well schooled in psychology or they've lived a period of time under a same scenario. Everyone involved is distanced by the perp himself. He didn't create the virus, that was two decades in progress. I am working on an op that will prove beyond any doubt Trump's involvement. I will give you a clue, when Trump said that Biden will listen to the scientist what he meant was the science behind the vaccine not the actual virus, many scientist argued against mRNA as a vehicle for delivery of a vaccine. This is why Trump has repeatedly insisted that the vaccine was his and to many people were trying to claim credit for it. There's more that goes along with that, but Biden would follow the "science" because he was too mentally incapacitated to distinguish between long established science and those doctors, scientist trying to warn about "their" science when it came to the vaccines. I am not convinced Fauci was the direct push behind the use of mRNA vaccine, he, as always, whom also was being paid more than even they were , was just doing what the bosses were telling him. My personal opinion is that they can scream Fauci, Fauci, Fauci all they want but the only reason he can walk around so nonchalant as he does is because he doesn't sign off on where all that money goes, those monies are well accounted for in congressional budgets and for him to go down so does Bush, Obama, Trump, Fauci & friends, and more than likely so does Bolton. I just don't see that happening, I wish but I can't see it.


That is what I see too. From the moment that the whole world was on Lock-Down, History changed. Sweden was a strange outlier but later added incident-based behavior rules as well. I don't think the Lock-Downs did any good, but now they are part of the countermeasures that "have been taken to fight the globe Pandemic of COVID19". None can start dragging all the governments before the court in order to demand consequences for civil rights violations, there's no court big enough to hear such a case. Humanity vs Its Government #getwracked

Lessen have to be learned, consequences have to be taken, and a new Generation of Politics and Medical Professionals has to rise, and then, only after decades down the road from now, we'll correct the past.

There are several European countries who haven't always curtailed to the EC, there are several that never signed onto a universal constitution. Like I said I think the implementation of a lot of stuff coincided with them having gained more power than not, meaning having the greater control mechanism. But people can always be driven to rise to the occasion if backed into a corner they don't like and power in that regard can be reversed, it, as history has shown, sometimes ends up coming down to those willing to die for a cause.