[ENG/ESP] The white hen's chicks have already begun to hatch/ Ya empezaron a nacer los pollitos de la gallina blanca.

in Hive Pets12 days ago
Authored by @Merlyned


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today the eggs of my white hen began to hatch and this makes me very happy since it was several days of waiting.

I love waiting to see what breed of chick I'm going to find, but judging by the breeds of their parents, they're going to be white chicks.

You can notice how the chick is breaking the shell little by little and we must make sure that it does not get trapped as it can die.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy los huevos de mi gallina blanca empezaron a eclosionar y esto me tiene muy contenta ya que fueron varios dias de espera.

Me encanta esperar a ver con que raza de pollito me voy a encontrar, pero juzgando por las razas de sus padres van a ser pirocos blancos.

Pueden notar como el pollito va rompiendo el cascarón poco a poco y debemos asegurarnos de que no quede atrapado ya que puede morir.


It is important to wet the eggs at sixteen days so that they cool off and the chicks do not stick together, these are techniques that have worked.

During the summer they are more likely to die and it is unfortunate since the wait is long, but over time we learn from those mistakes.

On some occasions I help them break the shell, this must happen when they have been trying for a long time, which is why we must monitor them.

Es importante mojar los huevos a los dieciséis dias para que este se refresque y los pollitos no se peguen, son tecnicas que han funcionado.

Durante el verano se ven mas propensos a morir y es lamentable ya que la espera es larga, pero con el tiempo vamos aprendiendo de esos érrores.

En algunas ocasiones los ayudo a romper el cascarón, esto debe pasar cuando llevan mucho tiempo intentando, es por ello que debemos vigilarlos.



There were seven eggs in total, but when you light them, only six will come out. The good thing is that I already have a little experience and I want the ones that don't work.

We must be aware of black and yellow ants and lice that usually attack chicks when they are hatching.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

En total eran siete huevos pero al alumbrarlos solo saldrán seis, lo bueno es que ya tengo un poco de experiencia y desecho los que no sirven.

Debemos estar pendientes de las hormigas negras, amarillas y los piojillos que suelen atacar a los pollitos cuando están naciendo.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.


That's cool. I like your focus on doing what you can to help them hatch. Thanks for sharing. !LUV

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Yes friend, I hope that tomorrow everyone is born in good conditions, greetings @dreamingirwin