Vet Bills

in Hive Petslast year


So today I had to take two of my pets to the vet. Over Christmas my cat Buffy had a scratch in the eye from my kitten Izzy. She has had conjunctivitis because of it. She has looked so bad because she has been stressed and started pulling fur out too.

My pug Xander has also been ill with what I thought to be a UTI. So he has had a pee test ordered and also been put on antibiotics for a week. I have to get another test done in a weeks time. He has been peeing like 10 or more times a day. Was so funny trying to collect the sample. I used a bowl then poured it into the vial.

I would have tried the vet sooner but I struggle to leave the house. So managed to get my dad to come and take me. Really been bad lately but I'm fighting it. Today was a nice achievement even if it was with help.

Anyways ended up costing £573. I was so shocked. Was expecting it to be like £100. Anyway whatever my pets are important so money doesn't really matter.

I have to give them both antibiotics daily. I flea and wormed them all and also flea sprayed the house as it needed doing anyway.

Tough day but I'm feeling positive they will be fine.


Omg 😳 That’s quite a bill! Just one of the reasons why I still refuse having pets. That and the traveling. I travel a lot and work a lot, so it wouldn’t be fair to them.
Your cattos are absolutely gorgeous though! I dream of a white one one day 😍💙

Haha yeah I have spent probably £10k on my pets. Buffy the British Shorthair and my pug Xander I flew from Australia for many thousands when I moved back to the UK. I lived in Melbourne 7 years.

I have 5 pets.

Buffy 12 - British shorthair
Xander 10 - Pug
Cleo 5 - California kingsnake
Peppa Pig 4 - Western Hognose
Izzy 5 months - Ragdoll

Oh wow! That’s a lot of pets indeed. My friend has 3 cockopoo’s and 2 cats. I already consider her crazy 😜

Yea I think even 1 pet you are probably crazy. They're mental.

I travel too much to be able to have even one. I have been pondering about the cat though

Cats are good but if you travel a lot a snake is better. They go like a year without food and 6 months without water. lol

No snakes please. Can’t really cuddle them 😂