Dining on Hive

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

What does this look like to you?

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A bitcoin transaction? Crypto on the move by a clever business owner? An augmented reality stunt?

It’s none of these!

Restaurants in Italy have begun throwing out paper menus, instead opting to have patrons scan a QR code so their daily menu appears on the patron’s phone.

Because touching shared items is a BAD IDEA RIGHT NOW.

Which brings me to...

If you want to have touch-less menus... why not have touch-less payment as well? Yes we are at the brink. Once businesses understand how to do this, what’s to stop them from accepting crypto (not that QR codes are the safest means of initiating transactions).

Which brings me to #DinewithHive are there any Hives reading this from #Italy or anywhere else in the world that might want to help setup a food business to accept #HIVE as payment? If so I’ll buy you lunch and a Negroni (or whatever your local cocktail/mocktale of choice is)! Just show me a pick of the transaction and meal in the comments below.

As Fiat currencies are devalued at unprecedented scale, this is a transitional time, a fruition time when decentralized promise can begin to bring about a more balanced and fair future.

Bon Appetite!

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A waiter holds a placard showing a barcode that customers scan on their phones to view the restaurant menu, to avoid using paper menus that are touched by many customers, as Italy eases some of the lockdown measures put in place following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Rome, Italy, May 20, 2020.

Images courtesy of REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane


What a great idea! It's situations like these that cryptocurrency could really demonstrate its superiority.

Right? We're gearing up for a frictionless future! (If we can just keep track of our keys ;-)