Garden Update - Day Eleven

in #hivelast month

Hello Everyone,

Things are coming along pretty good with the garden, despite my minimal involvement with it since planting everything.


It rained pretty consistently yesterday and the ground got a good soak.


We can see these Japanese knotweed plants shooting up from the ground with vigor. It's a little depressing because I remember digging up the root systems to these things when I was preparing the bed. They grow very strong big roots and it's pretty obvious that the root systems themselves will shoot up new growth when possible.

I already know these Japanese knotweeds will be a problem during the entire summer, but I will do my best to combat the problem.

I should have already pulled these, maybe I'll get to it tomorrow.



The tomato plants all look pretty healthy. I will need to work out something to support them soon, and may opt to use more of the wood stakes that I used for the fencing since I still have some left. I might buy the necessary material but I'm not sure because gardening is expensive and so is everything else.


Overall I'm pretty happy with the garden. I feel I've been very fortunate thus far to not encounter any animal attacks on the plants. There's quite a few animals lurking about that might assault the crop, but for now they aren't showing any interest.

There's definitely some weeds starting to grow and I'll need to pull them soon, probably tomorrow when I remove the Japanese knotweed shoots.

What do you all think of how things are coming along with the garden?

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a good day! -@futuremind


I can’t wait for the tomato plants to grow
That’s really what I’m after
Let’s see how it goes

Thank you my friend.
I like the tomato plants a lot too. I need to provide some supports for them soon.

Dude get ready, this is like in video games hahaha at first they let you be quiet but as the days go by the waves of animals will begin