Back again after a long time-out

in #hive4 years ago


First of all, I want to apologize for just being away for the last 6 months.


For a long time I had spent far too much work and time on steem-related projects. I didn't get enough sleep during this time. Also my normal office work, which is my only source of income, had suffered.

The work on steem-engine and nextcolony and all the other projects and the need to be available all the time and to solve problems as fast as possible has stressed me enormously.

After doing my tax report, I realized how big my loses in crypto are. I lost the faith to be able to earn my loses through hard work on steem or by selling steem when the its price had gone up. I have then decided to stop all crypto-related things and shut down my discord and take a complete time-out. I found not the strength to communicate this, so sorry for this.

Accepting the losses and no longer feeling the pressure to make up for all the losses through hard work have been a great relief to me. I read many books during this time and went to bed early. I think I needed the time until now to recover.

For a long time, I did not find the strength to start again my work with STEEM.

Starting fresh on HIVE

After 6 months I saw that STEEM is being forked and that a new blockchain is created. For the first time in a long time I felt the desire to participate again.

I already worked on beem, my python library and released a new version that works with HIVE.

I also adapted the @fullnodeupdate project to HIVE.

I have updated my Witness server to HIVE.

I will publish more information about it soon.

I hope you can forgive me for just disappearing without notice, but I couldn't go on. I haven't read any Discord message or comments on the Steem-Blockchain in the last 6 months, I also want to apologize for that. I have not decided if and when I will reactive my discord again. It took me 6 months until I felt the need to publish something again, the rash was caused by HIVE, thank you very much for creating it :).


It's good to have you back! I have a lot of scripts using beem and was worried that I would have to rewrite all of them. Beem still is the best library available!

Welcome back! There were concerns in the community about your health and/or physical integrity (normally, people are not just disappear), and we are very happy to have you back!

Very happy to hear from you and excited you will be working on hive.

I really got to like your rewarding tool, but curation trails stopped functioning after steem v22.2. I made a few good tutorials =)

I hope it is adapted to Hive, but I know you have quite a lot of tools, some which are more important or dear to you.

If you make a dao proposal to help fund your work ,it has my full support and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

Steem rewarding for hive is on my todo list.

What a surprise! Found this post by accident as I port over users from Steem to Hive - but back to doing it manually!
Anyway, yes, we all need to take some time out. Welcome back!

Awesome, I'll update my tutorials when that's done =)

I’m really happy for that: thanks, @holger80... and welcome back on the social-blockchain! 🙏
(I recommend you: take it easy and slowly!) 🤗

Welcome back @holger80. I was a huge fan of the @steem-ua project you did with @scipio. It's completely understandable to take time when you get burnt out. Happy you are back here on the Hive!

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Hey man, don't sweat it! We've all been there. I think we all felt discouraged by how things were going on Steemit.

And yes, HIVE is exciting, it's fresh, it's decentralized, it's ours. We all deserve a fresh start! Glad to see you back.

I remember making a couple hundred $ back in 2017 on Steemit and how thrilled I was every time I posted something, then the rewards started going down and I lost interest.

What I didn't realize then is that big things have small beginnings, and I should have kept my head down, focused on content, on providing useful information, and keep growing that stake.

Now things are different, waiting to dump my STEEM on Binance, but planning to power up HIVE instead - it's a new start, and with our lessons learned, we can achieve greater results than ever before :)

Yes, time for a fresh start :)

Good to see you back.

Good to have you back mate.

You are a super talented individual that can help our network a lot more.

I completely agree!!! 😍

Holger80 is back!

Good to see you again!

You didn’t miss much .....

Good to see you around! I think there's a new sense of optimism and desire to build with the current energy and momentum that Hive has.

Looking forward to seeing what more you'll be posting soon :)

I missed you a lot. I hope you will be active on hive again.

Welcome back. I hope you continue your good work here. I do understand it takes a lot to be committed and it can weigh on the mind. Hopefully, you've had all the rest you need.

Welcome back and glad you made it on Hive too :)

Totally understand! Welcome bqck and hopr you feep energized!

It is typical for Man to focus on themselves in times of pain and depression. That is the natural instinct, even if it's rarely the best thing to do. I hope you're better now.

Welcome back, thanks for the beem updates and best of luck with your new projects!

So glad to see you back.
I hope you read a lot of great books

I am now experiencing a similar phase in my life. I like the super-clear planning of the day, healthy eating, preserved sun... The main thing is to understand "WHY?" I need one or the other, then I have to live.

Я зараз переживаю схожий этап в своєму житті. Мені допомагає Суперчітке планування дня, здорове харчування, достатній сон и багато дрібниць. Головне зрозуміти "ЧОМУ?" мені потрібно те чи інше, тоді значно простіше жити.

Du kannst dir kaum vorstellen, wie gut ich dich verstehen kann.

Ich freue mich sehr von dir zu lesen, Holger. (:

Danke :)

Welcome back Holger. I have been on your github several times. Your work has been extremely useful.

Hive is far better than steem, good to see back. Stay safe man, CoVid19 thing.

You don't have to apologize at all - real live always goes first. But it's good to hear from you and that you're okay :)

Welcome back. :)

I was gone for a whole year and I offer no apology. For myself, I make a lot more out of crypto than in. Fiat has a bigger economy. Maybe Steem-DAO can help with this effort.

I don't know if you remember me, but I used your Beem stuff in I found it didn't really make money and retired the aspect of a digital goods marketplace.

I have some ideas of a new condenser but the original condenser code will not run on my VPS. Maybe its just too expensive a hobby to get into for myself anyway.

Right now shows the Steem, Steem Dollar, and Hive prices from BitTrex but I should switch to Ionomy.

Hey Holger!
It's been a long time, and I'm very very glad to see you here. You were missed by many people on here (and prior to that on steem of course). I already wrote you a message on discord after seeing your witness server back online, but it seems your discord hasn't been reactivated yet ;-)
I already considered using that massive amount of time I have on my hands now due to the cancelling of school because of Corona to pick up beem and make it properly Hive ready, but you'll surely do this better than I ever could.
Hopefully now you know your limits, and don't reach that burnout-like (at least it sounds a bit like that) state again.

Whoa You are alive! Half of dApps were waiting for Your updated libraries. I hope half-year reset did good for You!

I have an idea; You really should create funding proposal as a donation for Your precious work at Steem Hive python libraries - especially beem! Would definitely get my vote.

Hopefully steemrewarding will go on working for #STEEM, will it ?

Will steemrewarding go on working on #STEEM ???
I hope it will !!
Will it ?

Welcome back!

Hi Holger80,
Nice to see you here back on board.
The nice thing of this community is, you can work as much as you want, and if it is too much, you can stop it.

So, welcome back

I understand that stress wall that we all run into once and a while, so a big Welcome Back!

Good to see you back, so much to do!

Great you are back man!
Hope to see a hiverewarding tool soon!

Welcome back @holger80 !

Willkommen zurück!

A belated welcome back @holger80, your work has been missed. Also, thank you for keeping your stuff running in the background - bookkeeping, steemrewarding etc.

Thanks for making the switch over to Hive, cheers!

Welcome back mate

Hey @holger80, good to see you are well and productive. I like how you took care for yourself first! Wish you all the best for those kind of choices. Can save lives to take this as a role model!