Exploring some fun social media ideas for Hive// ChatGPT.

in #hive10 months ago (edited)

While ChatGPT appears to be getting stupider as time goes on, I still find myself using it quite frequently.
At this point, the AI telling me almost every single time I ask it a question that its "knowledge date cutoff is 2021", is just a livable annoyance there is no fix for.

I dont think we are seeing nearly enough innovation from our biggest social media dapps so I decided to explore some crazy ideas for a hive social media platform that could be built here.
Restrictions on content or design around a specific type of content is what a social media platform makes.

So lets see how crazy we can get. 😅



HiveScenes - The Visual Haikus:

HiveScenes is an image-based social network that follows the haiku principle of simplicity and elegance. Users can upload one striking image and pair it with a concise caption limited to haiku-style character counts. This combination of visual and textual artistry creates a gallery of evocative and captivating scenes that resonate with users' emotions and experiences.

  • Combines stylized short form content similar to twitter with Instagram.
  • Rewards and entices creativity.
  • Emotions and stuff like that.
  • Appeals to hipsters and 50+ year old women with autumn themed ottomans that like knitting and cats.



HiveTrivia - The Brainy Playground:

HiveTrivia is a social platform that combines social interactions with trivia challenges. Users can participate in various trivia quizzes based on different topics, ranging from general knowledge to niche interests. Users can create their own trivia quizzes and compete with friends or the community. Regular updates with fresh questions and leaderboards keep users coming back for more.

  • Gamified through a combination of HiveBuzz style badges and leaderboards.
  • Fun, educational, potentially high retention.
  • Appeals to trivia lovers and folks that believe storing random information about the world makes them smarter than others.



HiveRoast - The Roasting Arena:

HiveRoast is a platform where users engage in friendly yet hilarious roasting battles. Users can submit roast challenges to their friends or the community, taking turns to craft witty and comical insults. It's all in good fun and intended for users with a thick skin and a love for playful banter.

  • Leaderboards and a Hall of Fame.
  • The ultimate in funny and edgy. Weekly competitions.
  • Appeals to teenage boys and adults obviously hiding their severe depression behind a thin veneer of humor.


There are a few more good ones like "HiveRage - The Venting Zone" where youre only allowed to act like a crazy maniac raging about random topics. The crazier the better. 😂
Oh man, that would be funny as hell. haha

Let me know...
Which idea would you like to see take form on Hive while knowing that none of them will ever take form because our devs obviously lack creativity to make something with any kind of potential of going viral.

I kid the devs...
Im just practicing for the roasting arena.


I would want Hive Trivia to have form on HIVE as it would be good to spend time on the blockchain.

I have stopped using ChatGPT, I don't know why, but I think it is not a good way of doing blogging. now I'm writing my content myself and to be honest, it gives you happiness.

You shouldnt be using CHatGPT to write your blogs, lol. It can help in many other areas.

Definitely the Hive Roast Arena!
And there are even no devs needed for trying it out. Just someone who runs this as a community!

That is true.


I feel these are all somewhat viable

1 is the most sypathetic, but I don't really understand it

ChatGPT, I have no idea about that yet but it sounds interesting.

Many answers are needed, it's the software that gives it wrong, but the way we see it, many of the answers are very funny, so it's nice to read. Spending the whole day on blockchain technology is very nice to learn a lot.

Well my friend, I have to confess that I am all for "HiveRoast - The Roasting Arena" and also some knots up for "HiveRage - The Venting Zone" for kickass new popular dApps on Hive that actually would have the potential of going viral.

There is no doubt our "social network" on the blockchain urgently needs a good and massive revamp in the Humor department. Otherwise, very soon it will drown in the depths of oblivion dragged by the weight of its own useless shilling practices on Web2 platforms while trying to attract, recruit and onboard new unwary folks who actually don't give a damn about blockchain or cryptocurrency technologies.

I'd almost be tempted to develop those dApps myself if it wasn't because my current internet connection is so crappy and useless. But rest assured that I will take your ideas into account if I do not die before trying to improve my internet.

new popular dApps on Hive that actually would have the potential of going viral.

hehe. I dont think anyone here has the courage to commit to something like a kooky, funny idea that doesnt play it safe.

There is no doubt our "social network" on the blockchain urgently needs a good and massive revamp in the Humor department

There are some quite funny folks here. None of them can code though. lol

hehe. I dont think anyone here has the courage to commit to something like a kooky, funny idea that doesnt play it safe.

Well, in that I think you are right. Several times before on the mothership from which Hive took off, there were already some similar attempts with dApps like Dmania, Dporn an early version of MeMeHub and many others that never had the approval or support of the old wealthy circlejerk of honchos within the platform. All of them with an evident lack of vision of the future and a true sense of humor. And which unfortunately many of them are today the grumbler's replacement generation in the Hive ecosystem too.

There are some quite funny folks here. None of them can code though. lol

If you dare to investigate a little, you would really be surprised to discover that just as you say that there are some quite funny folks here, the majority of them actually can code very well. Only, that soon they just threw in the towel in their efforts to create something of real "social" value and emigrated from here, because they soon realized it wasn't worth wasting gunpowder on vultures.

Because believe it or not, having a great sense of humor is essential to be able to code. };)

The problem with those old dapps was that they didnt exist on layer two.
No content form on Hive using the same token distribution system can exist alongside blogging (long form) and still have any chance of success. Maybe video content, long form but the rewards cant support that. A TikTok type dapp would be gone fast. Thats why Dmania or Memehub could never take off (probably some other reasons as well).

If you wanted to make something that appears "low effort" compared to 1000 word blogs it cant use Hive rewards.

Because believe it or not, having a great sense of humor is essential to be able to code.

I need to be proven wrong. :D

If you wanted to make something that appears "low effort" compared to 1000 word blogs it cant use Hive rewards.

That's the crux of the issue. Without a sophisticated sense of humor it's almost impossible that some individuals understand that 1000 word blogs, they are neither of greater effort, quality nor of greater value than a very witty and short hilarious satire with a surprising comedy punchline to wipe out all the rewards on Hive in one fell swoop.

I need to be proven wrong. :D

Just wait a bit until the major prankster on heaven grant me a better internet connection, and you will be proven wrong!
