Thunkgaria moving to Unity Native App

in #hive9 months ago (edited)


I have not posted on Hive in almost a year!! WTF!!!!
So everyone is asking what I am up to?

Well with shutting down the Holybread and then the Thunkgaria servers. My Hive connected web games are closed down.

Fear not! Thunkgaria is alive and kicking. @sidekickmatt is still producing comic strips of adventures in our world. (Strip 15 is on this post)
Check out his blog and upvote his work to support all the hard work he does for our community.

I am hard at work building out a new Thunkgaria game in Native Unity.
What does that mean????
Well it will not be done in Unity and then ported to Webgl. Which is the current way to connect to Hive for Authentication. It will be native to Mac/PC and Consoles.

In this endeavor I am running into issues with Unity for Hive Authentication. Some code has been written by other's on chain and I am testing that right now. What I am finding out is other chains have a full Unity SDK kit for game devs and all my friends from the game dev space are asking for our SDK for Hive.

So I am spear heading an effort to build one out.
I need to work with fellow Hivians who will help put code down on paper (screen?)
We can talk all day about what is needed but we need actual code. Now supposely some teams already have some code built out. If so great! I would ask you share it to help Hive adoption in the Game dev space.

Now ONE BIG NOTE, I want to connect to Hive NOT Hive-Engine. I have a plan for a new Hive native NFT and a marketplace that does not use a side-chain.

If any of this interests you and you want to help reach out to me in discord or on X (formerly twitter) @simplegamee (2 EE) Someone already had the 1 E spelling.

If you are attending the conference in Vegas lets chat!
IF you are a Unity Dev and want to help with the game lets chat!
If you just love Hive lets chat!
If you are a Hive dev and want to help write some code and not just say "here is the repo" lets chat!

I promise to post more often.

If you read this far and comment. I will be giving out 10 SBI shares (1 each) to the 1st 10 comments.


Outstanding, I remember you talking about this & I ran with it, Leo & SPK are interested in this now! Maybe, just maybe!

Yes and I am working with VSC to create a new layer 2 NFT game item system that will replace HE :)

So great meeting you!

Welcome back, good to see you are working to bring more games and resources for game devs to hive!

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Oh thanks!

thanks man! It is good to be back posting. Instead of just behind the scenes work.

Welcome back 😊

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thanks. I appreciate it.

Screen Shot 2023-09-06 at 8.16.14 PM.png

Here you go

I don't understand much about coding, much less connecting to the Blockchain... but if you need help with game ideas I have been adventuring for like 30 years.

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Here you go

I do!
I will send you an e-mail

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Here you go

It was a pity to lose Holybread and Thunkgaria as they were on my daily routine of webgames. Im glad you are still around! I've been disconnected from Hive also for about a year. Is healthy to be out during bear markets, mind heals 😆

Yeah. The issue was the web based games were not letting us develop what we really wanted to.
Holybread is gone.
We are working on 3d and 2d unity games and a new marketplace right now.